ESRB Rates GTA: San Andreas for PS3

By Chris | 29th Oct 2012 at 22:13 GMT in San Andreas | 0 Comments

IPB ImageThe Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), responsible for assigning ratings to video games in North America, has now rated GTA: San Andreas for the PS3. Back in June, ratings were spotted for PS3 versions of both GTA III and Vice City, since then only GTA III has been released. This rating of San Andreas practically confirms existence of the game, and one would assume that both this and Vice City will be released in the near future, with Vice City logically arriving first, possibly alongside its release for iOS and Android.


Permalink to the individual certificate.

For anyone who wasn't following the news, the games are being released on the PSN Store as "PS2 Classics". What this means is they are direct ports of the original PS2 versions, and thus they unfortunately don't benefit from any remastered HD graphics or the addition of any trophies. That said, this is still great news for anyone who wants to play the games again and no longer has their original PS2 copies, or for those of you who are new to the franchise and perhaps never played these truly classic games.

GTA3 is available on the PSN Store right now for just .99. There is currently no word on release dates for either Vice City or San Andreas, but we'll let you know whenever Rockstar or Sony give us an official announcement regarding these.

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