GTA V Promo Materials Being Distributed to Retailers

By Chris | 2nd Nov 2012 at 02:23 GMT in GTA V | 5 Comments

As GTA V becomes available for pre-order in just a few days (5th November), many stores across the world have received promotional materials for the game to hand out to customers. It seems some lucky people have managed to get their hands on some a little early.

The main item currently getting a lot of attention is a small photo viewer that when looked through shows various locations, in fact, in a style not too dissimilar to the Vice City postcards some of you may have seen back in 2002. Various photos are being posted by members in a GTAForums thread, here are some pictures of the images inside it.

v_promo_leak_1_zancudo_river_th.jpg v_promo_leak_2_grapeseed_th.jpg

v_promo_leak_3_vinewood_hills_th.jpg v_promo_leak_4_del_perro_pier_th.jpg


These items are supposedly being given out on a first-come first-served basis to customers who preorder the game from stores across North America (no reports yet from anything elsewhere in the world).

UPDATE: Here's a couple more pictures:

v_promo_leak_letter_th.jpg v_promo_leak_viewers_th.jpg

Cpt.Maneta's photo
Cpt.Maneta 3rd November, 2012 @ 22:41 - Permalink

Didn't anyone notice that in the second line on that paper, it is written that the second trailer has been released???

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 4th November, 2012 @ 01:48 - Permalink

Yes, it was delayed because of Hurricane Sandy.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 4th November, 2012 @ 05:59 - Permalink

I didn't see the smaller scale shot of the viewer before I got back on, but it looks even smaller then I thought they were, pretty hard to get those images clear...resulting in the odd clarity issue of those placards/ faux postcards... I stopped in Game Stop earlier in the week, no sign of GTA there, so I have to check back in SOON!

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 4th November, 2012 @ 06:10 - Permalink

Besides the promo 'leaks' I wonder if every store offering the game and pre-orders gets a set of ten of the viewers to give out? I'll find out, I'm sure the clerk will probably have NO IDEA what I'm talking about, as fate would have it

Little_Chestnut's photo
Little_Chestnut 4th November, 2012 @ 23:11 - Permalink

Those are so nifty!

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