IGN's Week of GTAV Content Begins, New Screenshots and Preview

By Chris | 12th Nov 2012 at 17:59 GMT in GTA V | 4 Comments

IGN have posted their first GTA V preview up, if you've read our article earlier today then none of the information will be new to you, however you will be interested in the fact that they will be posting two exclusive new screenshots every day this week. The first of which are posted below.


RSG_GTAV_Screenshot_052.jpg RSG_GTAV_Screenshot_045.jpg gtav_01.jpg gtav_02.jpg


See all the GTA V screenshots in our gallery.

Blur's photo
Blur 12th November, 2012 @ 21:50 - Permalink

The fourth picture with the huge lake, wonder if that is going to be fully explorable, or is it just the coastline? Ohhh can't wait to fly a seaplane over that mountain and land on the lake. gta_v.jpg

Chris's photo
Chris 12th November, 2012 @ 23:46 - Permalink

By the sounds of it it'll be pretty much the whole surrounding areas of water that will be fully explorable, so yeah. Obviously there will be some invisible wall that will be reached at the edges of the map though.

Jezz Torrent's photo
Jezz Torrent 13th November, 2012 @ 06:19 - Permalink

The fourth picture with the huge lake, wonder if that is going to be fully explorable, or is it just the coastline? Ohhh can't wait to fly a seaplane over that mountain and land on the lake.

Perhaps its their salton sea

By the sounds of it it'll be pretty much the whole surrounding areas of water that will be fully explorable, so yeah. Obviously there will be some invisible wall that will be reached at the edges of the map though.

maybe not. remember in San Andreas you can go out as far as you want, you just wont find anything. (And I think in IV too)

Shadow-in-that-vally's photo
Shadow-in-that-vally 13th November, 2012 @ 18:06 - Permalink

I was never a big fan of swimming in either Gta's so i could really careless about the sprawling lake and oceans you can explore and dive in. I just want customizable guns and cops that will try to arrest u if u shoot somebody in the middle of nowhere

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