New GTA V Screenshot from PCGuru Magazine

By Chris | 10th Dec 2012 at 19:10 GMT in GTA V | 9 Comments

Hungarian magazine PCGuru has a new issue out containing a new screenshot of Grand Theft Auto V. The screenshot shows Trevor once again getting his daily Vinewood sign climbing fix (previously seen here and here).

Unfortunately we only have a poor quality scan but here it is:

pcguru-jan-2012_th.jpg pcguru-jan-2012-scan_th.jpg

Click to see full size

We'll update if we can get our hands on the digital version.

Source: GTAForums thread

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 10th December, 2012 @ 20:07 - Permalink


Jezz Torrent's photo
Jezz Torrent 10th December, 2012 @ 20:11 - Permalink

When i saw the title of this new update, I said to myself "finally" because its been nearly a month since anything new came out for GTA V. then i saw that its once again the same pic we've seen twice already from yet again another angle. show us something new! Jesus

Chris's photo
Chris 10th December, 2012 @ 20:59 - Permalink


I knew you'd just love this one :)

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 11th December, 2012 @ 08:18 - Permalink


I knew you'd just love this one :)

So you did it for me? Aww thanks. You know what I'd really like? A teaser for Saints Row 4! Let me know if you have one kthx <3

Anyway I think the police SUV is based off this:


Chris's photo
Chris 11th December, 2012 @ 15:38 - Permalink

Yes as soon as I saw the screen was simply another angle of one we've seen before, I just knew I had to post it to get some wonderfully inspiring comment out of you.

You know, I should start up SaintsRowPlace. You could admin it. It would instantly become the number 1 fansite (no competition at all) and instead of your comments acting as flamebait to GTA fans here, they would be praised greatly by all 5 of the users it would get.

Anyway, is that a Ford Explorer?

Sherman's photo
Sherman 11th December, 2012 @ 16:23 - Permalink

^ I think it's a little larger, an Expedition.

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 12th December, 2012 @ 00:57 - Permalink

Well, it could be a chevrolet Tahoe police.(it definitely looks larger than the explorer)

roars2222's photo
roars2222 14th December, 2012 @ 11:02 - Permalink

The PC GURU is awesome and amazing Magazine.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 15th December, 2012 @ 19:20 - Permalink

Yes as soon as I saw the screen was simply another angle of one we've seen before, I just knew I had to post it to get some wonderfully inspiring comment out of you.

You know, I should start up SaintsRowPlace. You could admin it. It would instantly become the number 1 fansite (no competition at all) and instead of your comments acting as flamebait to GTA fans here, they would be praised greatly by all 5 of the users it would get.

Anyway, is that a Ford Explorer?

BAHAHAHAHAHA. I love you Chris.

^ I think it's a little larger, an Expedition.

This. It's not a Chevy, I think that's clearly a Ford logo...

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