Vice City Anniversary Collection Now Available at the Rockstar Warehouse

By Chris | 10th Dec 2012 at 21:12 GMT in Vice City | 2 Comments


Rockstar have now made some new apparel and collectibles available for order on the Rockstar Warehouse. The items commemorate Vice City's 10th Anniversary and include new t-shirts and various collectible items - those of you who have been around for all 10 of these years may remember a couple of these as classic Vice City and Vice City Stories promotional items. Here's what Rockstar have to say on the new logo tee and colour changing tee.

Vice City 10th Anniversary Logo Tee

This 100% cotton tee features the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 10th Anniversary logo on the front and a small Rockstar Games logo right below the neckline on the back. Available in pink and black variations for both men's and women's sizes.

Vice City 10th Anniversary Body Faders® Tee

These 100% cotton tees are constructed from a temperature sensitive pigment that changes between two colors. The blue tee features the sleek and low profile Infernus on the front and changes from blue when cold to sky blue when warm. The grey tee features the iconic Vice City girl on the front and changes from grey when cold to white when warm. Both tees include a small Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 10th Anniversary logo just below the neck line on the back.

Vice City 10th Anniversary Collectibles


The above collectibles are also available, they include a Head Band, Rubik’s Cube®, Beach Ball, Pin Set and Money Clip.

Full details on all these can be found on the Newswire.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 11th December, 2012 @ 08:17 - Permalink

EAstar junk.

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 11th December, 2012 @ 10:00 - Permalink

Where is the blue hawaiian shirt?

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