The Young MayLay "San Andreas" mixtape

By Adriaan | 5th Jul 2005 at 20:21 GMT in San Andreas | 1 Comment

<img src="" width="200" height="200" border="0" align="left">Most of you will know who this great guy is. Young Maylay,who voiced CJ from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, has been hard at work the past few months recording the "San Andreas" mixtape. It was suppose to go on sale yesterday, but the webmaster of recently informed me that it has been pushed back to July 12th. You can already pre-order today and have it shipped to you on July 12th. Not only does it come around at a great price of only .99, but you also have the change to get yourself an autographed sticker!

Furthermore there is a competition going on where one of you can win yourselves your favourite CJ quote from GTA: San Andreas addressed to you.

For more information visit and pre-order the mix tape by clicking here.

mr_Vercetti's photo
mr_Vercetti 7th July, 2005 @ 21:43 - Permalink

that sounds cool :coolthumbup:

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