New GTA V Screenshot & Updated Artworks

By Chris | 4th Jan 2013 at 18:04 GMT in GTA V | 16 Comments

Rockstar have updated the official website today with digital versions of all the artworks and screenshots released so far. Hidden away in the update was also a brand new screenshot which you can see below. Additionally we have added updated versions of screenshots we didn't have digitally or unwatermarked before. Rockstar also said that later this month the cover art will finally be revealed.



Check out our full gallery of GTA V screenshots, as well as our artwork gallery.

Official Links:

Newswire Article

Official GTA V Website

Official GTA V Wallpapers

Patty-T's photo
Patty-T 4th January, 2013 @ 18:20 - Permalink

Plus, they've promised for the cover art to be revealed later this month.

Can't wait! They've managed to trickle out this info perfectly.

Also, I wonder what/who they've got in that trunk? :cheers:

Chris's photo
Chris 4th January, 2013 @ 22:01 - Permalink

Judging by how Franklin is standing, he's probably just taken the gun out of it, so I'd say weapons, as opposed to a person. But who knows? Maybe both.

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 5th January, 2013 @ 04:39 - Permalink

My bet is on guns probably assault rifles and maybe someone they took for a ride?

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 5th January, 2013 @ 08:21 - Permalink

There's a dead hooker in that trunk. I know it.

Well at least I guessed the car right... again...

FichYoshi's photo
FichYoshi 5th January, 2013 @ 21:19 - Permalink

I hope they add splitscreen to it :withstupid:

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 6th January, 2013 @ 02:47 - Permalink

Everyone and his gaming brother have been crying foul over the lack of game release date info, as far back as, well, far FAR back, I'd say that's what I crave since the New Year, earlier I figured there's time for a few more trailers, but I want this game in March, how about you all??!?

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 6th January, 2013 @ 09:21 - Permalink

The console release, I hope it's at least a few months before Saints Row 4, if not more.

For the PC release, I hope it's never.

FichYoshi's photo
FichYoshi 6th January, 2013 @ 22:19 - Permalink

yea i want the game at march too :cry:

Blur's photo
Blur 6th January, 2013 @ 22:33 - Permalink

Just putting this out there my release date guess is May 28, 2013.

Nice artwork, Trevor looks quite pleased with himself and I love the background, my favorite yet.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 7th January, 2013 @ 02:14 - Permalink

Well, Tun3r I'm surprised you're so set up for disappointment for a RAGE inspired PC version of GTA V, I don't think people really quibble that much about it, but the proof of the challenge is in GTA 3D's (Renderware earlier generation) earlier graphics lacking, and rough handling around the edges, with GTA V, we'll see the best built GTA so far given how much time they've been hammering away at it, just getting my hands on the environment is for me a joy with each GTA, and the plotting and characters are like the icing, having aircraft in a GTA IV engine game alone is worth getting this franchise release

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 7th January, 2013 @ 11:42 - Permalink

*being a fanboy as usual*

The game isn't even out yet, there's no gameplay video of it ether, yet you're damn sure it's the best in the series...

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 7th January, 2013 @ 16:30 - Permalink

What's stopping him from making such as assertion? (Short answer: nothing) Yeah there's no gameplay videos out yet (as is Rockstar's way), but we can get a pretty solid bearing on how the game will play based on Rockstar's past formula, since GTA's hasn't changed an awful lot over the years. His speculation (I assume) relies on applying this formula - or a closely related variation) to a world set to be more varied and in depth than IV's, which to some seemed a little too gritty, a little too claustrophobic, and didn't leave much to the imagination, and one with a larger variety of vehicles, climates, terrain and protagonists. Environment is (as he states, and you ignore) a huge part of Blacklisted's GTA experience and it is difficult to deny that GTAV's will not surpass IV's in both scale and variety. The world and his wife bitched when IV didn't have planes, and now we're getting them - how is that not a winner? We're even getting some modes of transportation, such as submersibles, that haven't made an appearance in the series to date. None of this is speculation is wild or uncalled for, none of this is speculation is pulled randomly from something someone once said on the internet one time in 2003. We've had it confirmed with in - progress screenshots and with media coverage such as that from GameInformer.

I'd also like to add that you're arguing for the sake of arguing now. If you don't give a shit what I think look away now, but you run the risk of adhering firmly to your own stereotype.

If you're spending this high a proportion of your time arguing with a 45 year old American dude on the internet then you should really step back a little. If you enjoy arguing this much, join a debate club or go in to politics. I remember the good old days of giving a shit what people thought on the internet. Then I got a job, found a nice girl, got some exersize, concocted dreams and aspirations and let the worries and the anger (it's there however much you deny it) just float away. The pursuit of the infallible and perfect internet argument is trivial, there's simply too much to contend with - much like life - but it's easier and doesn't make you stupid, or weak, or cowardly if you just...stop caring. Your future boss won't care if you can argue for hours, and if you're self employed it won't matter anyway. It doesn't mean rolling over and letting someone else 'win'. I'd rather not have the last word in an argument at work over who moved that box of glasses, or left the paperwork out on the side and go home at the end of the day with a smile on my face knowing that it actually doesn't fucking matter, no matter how adamant i am that i'm right. If you spend this much time arguing with the brick wall of fanboyism in which you seem to believe (bearing in mind alot of what we're dealing with is based on opinion), spending increasingly longer focusing on something that you assert as the very anathema of your being then frankly you're living a wasted life. Call me a prick all you want ('ok, prick' lololol) but my logic isn't all too fallible. I presume you're young, able, sociable, and intelligent, so use it to fucking leverage something that isn't hurling words with the sole intent to demoralize someone else 5,000 odd miles away. There's always more.

tl;dr: There are worse evils in the world than people on the internet, I'd recommend directing your enthusiasm and energy at tackling them, instead.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 8th January, 2013 @ 14:00 - Permalink

What's stopping him from making such as assertion? (Short answer: nothing) Yeah there's no gameplay videos out yet (as is Rockstar's way), but we can get a pretty solid bearing on how the game will play based on Rockstar's past formula, since GTA's hasn't changed an awful lot over the years. His speculation (I assume) relies on applying this formula - or a closely related variation) to a world set to be more varied and in depth than IV's, which to some seemed a little too gritty, a little too claustrophobic, and didn't leave much to the imagination, and one with a larger variety of vehicles, climates, terrain and protagonists. Environment is (as he states, and you ignore) a huge part of Blacklisted's GTA experience and it is difficult to deny that GTAV's will not surpass IV's in both scale and variety. The world and his wife bitched when IV didn't have planes, and now we're getting them - how is that not a winner? We're even getting some modes of transportation, such as submersibles, that haven't made an appearance in the series to date. None of this is speculation is wild or uncalled for, none of this is speculation is pulled randomly from something someone once said on the internet one time in 2003. We've had it confirmed with in - progress screenshots and with media coverage such as that from GameInformer.

Yes it's called hype. Many developers have done the same over time and eventually screwed up.

Plus let's not forget that the GTA III era games weren't all progress. Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories, although good games, were hardly the best in the series. Or even nearly as good as Vice City or San Andreas.

I'd also like to add that you're arguing for the sake of arguing now. If you don't give a shit what I think look away now, but you run the risk of adhering firmly to your own stereotype.

If you're spending this high a proportion of your time arguing with a 45 year old American dude on the internet then you should really step back a little. If you enjoy arguing this much, join a debate club or go in to politics. I remember the good old days of giving a shit what people thought on the internet. Then I got a job, found a nice girl, got some exersize, concocted dreams and aspirations and let the worries and the anger (it's there however much you deny it) just float away. The pursuit of the infallible and perfect internet argument is trivial, there's simply too much to contend with - much like life - but it's easier and doesn't make you stupid, or weak, or cowardly if you just...stop caring. Your future boss won't care if you can argue for hours, and if you're self employed it won't matter anyway. It doesn't mean rolling over and letting someone else 'win'. I'd rather not have the last word in an argument at work over who moved that box of glasses, or left the paperwork out on the side and go home at the end of the day with a smile on my face knowing that it actually doesn't fucking matter, no matter how adamant i am that i'm right. If you spend this much time arguing with the brick wall of fanboyism in which you seem to believe (bearing in mind alot of what we're dealing with is based on opinion), spending increasingly longer focusing on something that you assert as the very anathema of your being then frankly you're living a wasted life. Call me a prick all you want ('ok, prick' lololol) but my logic isn't all too fallible. I presume you're young, able, sociable, and intelligent, so use it to fucking leverage something that isn't hurling words with the sole intent to demoralize someone else 5,000 odd miles away. There's always more.

tl;dr: There are worse evils in the world than people on the internet, I'd recommend directing your enthusiasm and energy at tackling them, instead.

That's nice Llama.

FichYoshi's photo
FichYoshi 9th January, 2013 @ 02:51 - Permalink

i think on the xbox 360 is going to be better, ps3 suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 9th January, 2013 @ 10:42 - Permalink

Evolution, as opposed to Revolution, that's how GTA's growth as a franchise has been historically traced, and this one will make the most of what they've found out using and developing on R.A.G.E., and the two consoles, again, I still expect a PC version, but I also don't want to be waging an unnecessary flame war with dear member Tun3r, so I'm really winding it down about now, I've presented what I think are fair, logicical points, not always proven beyond a shadow of a doubt as in some news about Rockstar they won't talk about, you have to make educated guesses in such instances, and I still found the news to be wholly believable, that being that the Housers are on record as Nintendo gamers in their youth, they were not programmers of games from the earliest days in the business, another FACTUAL point, the basis of covering console gaming first and foremost stems from those facts

The other point we argued on was the news about the Housers being demanding and task masters at work, don't tell me you never had a similar boss who made strict demands on your own work performance? Steve Jobs is a name I used earlier as a clear example of this, but because he was demanding and had a good feel for tech and people's needs with it, the products kept coming, and I think this magical drive works on rare occasion, most times it could end up with problems and failures as well, I believe. Again, my opinion, I'm entitled to it of course.

The Rockstar San Diego programmers' wives took issue with some of these demands, some anonymous source said working for Rockstar was frustrating because they were asked to switch projects mid-stream, this is not so out in left field to be cast aside as non-factual. I believe a California publication ran with that story and it was reported online, so I was saying earlier, Google any of these things, before you make up your mind that some random fan concocts this all to waste time or gain attention.

It's just pieces that help shape a puzzle of what Rockstar do as a secretive developer, they don't disclose their inner workings because for one thing, it breaks the magic factor of playing the game with it's own universe away from stark reality, the Not Knowing How They Did That is what Rockstar want to preserve in their games.

Anyway, I think it's showing more then just GTA IV with all the bells and whistles of San Andreas on Renderware engine

I think this GTA will be deserving of a GAME OF THE YEAR title!

Oh, and as I said earlier, if I can find links to these factoids, I will present them here in time, I am pretty sure I remember these things, they stood out among all the other postings that are just down to fan's musings

The other addendum is that I'm 46 this year, not 45. I've still seen all the history of technology in my lifetime, and that's a WHOLE damn lot! haha

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 9th January, 2013 @ 11:44 - Permalink

Evolution, as opposed to Revolution, that's how GTA's growth as a franchise has been historically traced, and this one will make the most of what they've found out using and developing on R.A.G.E., and the two consoles, again, I still expect a PC version, but I also don't want to be waging an unnecessary flame war with dear member Tun3r, so I'm really winding it down about now, I've presented what I think are fair, logicical points, not always proven beyond a shadow of a doubt as in some news about Rockstar they won't talk about, you have to make educated guesses in such instances, and I still found the news to be wholly believable, that being that the Housers are on record as Nintendo gamers in their youth, they were not programmers of games from the earliest days in the business, another FACTUAL point, the basis of covering console gaming first and foremost stems from those facts

Except you have no clue as to what "logic" or "fact" even mean.

The other point we argued on was the news about the Housers being demanding and task masters at work, don't tell me you never had a similar boss who made strict demands on your own work performance? Steve Jobs is a name I used earlier as a clear example of this, but because he was demanding and had a good feel for tech and people's needs with it, the products kept coming, and I think this magical drive works on rare occasion, most times it could end up with problems and failures as well, I believe. Again, my opinion, I'm entitled to it of course.

The other point YOU argued about. I was discussing completely different subjects, you went off them every time.

The Rockstar San Diego programmers' wives took issue with some of these demands, some anonymous source said working for Rockstar was frustrating because they were asked to switch projects mid-stream, this is not so out in left field to be cast aside as non-factual. I believe a California publication ran with that story and it was reported online, so I was saying earlier, Google any of these things, before you make up your mind that some random fan concocts this all to waste time or gain attention.

I have every time. I think your sources are ether high 24/7 or on drunk 24/7.

It's just pieces that help shape a puzzle of what Rockstar do as a secretive developer, they don't disclose their inner workings because for one thing, it breaks the magic factor of playing the game with it's own universe away from stark reality, the Not Knowing How They Did That is what Rockstar want to preserve in their games.

True. They are releasing edited cinematic trailers full of eye candy to get their customers all hyped up so they buy the game without even knowing what it's like, that way they can't complain about it afterwards because they'd make themselves look like idiots for screaming "GONNA BE DA BEST GAEM EVAR!!11" every day of every week prior to the game's release.

Anyway, I think it's showing more then just GTA IV with all the bells and whistles of San Andreas on Renderware engine

I think this GTA will be deserving of a GAME OF THE YEAR title!

You don't know anything about San Andreas or Renderware bro, you've already made that pretty obvious.

Anyway GTA V will be GOTY, but that doesn't mean it will deserve it. Hell maybe it will maybe it won't, anything is possible.

Oh, and as I said earlier, if I can find links to these factoids, I will present them here in time, I am pretty sure I remember these things, they stood out among all the other postings that are just down to fan's musings

The other addendum is that I'm 46 this year, not 45. I've still seen all the history of technology in my lifetime, and that's a WHOLE damn lot! haha

Wow, impressive. If only you were good at basic math too, cause the history of technology started dating back to around 2.5 milion years ago, when the first human (more or less monkey) invented the first tool.

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