The History of Grand Theft Auto Documentary

By Chris | 21st Apr 2013 at 18:22 GMT in General | 1 Comment


GamerSpawn last night live streamed a 45 minute documentary on the history of the Grand Theft Auto franchise, and the video of this is now available to watch as and when you want. For those who might not have heard of them before, GamerSpawn's YouTube channel racked up a substantial number of fans a couple of years ago after creating two great documentaries on the history of the Battlefield and Call of Duty franchises, the latter of which I felt was particularly good having been a huge CoD fan myself since the first game was released back in 2003.


Back on topic, GamerSpawn's latest documentary focuses on Grand Theft Auto. This well narrated film is an enjoyable watch and will surely bring back a lot of good memories for those of you who have played all the games. For those who are perhaps newer fans to the series you will find it particularly insightful, and if you haven't played some of the earlier games I would certainly recommend getting hold of them. While many of you may know everything there is to know about Rockstar and GTA, there are plenty who won't, and if you're one of those people, be sure to give this a watch - you'll learn a few interesting things about the company and the games.


Of course, covering the history of Grand Theft Auto isn't a new thing, and no doubt many of you will have read articles over the years which tend to come out during periods between releases. If you enjoyed watching this, GameTrailers' Grand Theft Auto Retrospective was also particularly notable, and we'd recommend watching that too if you have the time.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 21st April, 2013 @ 22:14 - Permalink

As I've been 'babbling' about for nearly a month, the book JACKED is out on paperback for under , it's worth having a read despite any lacking perspective and miss-information. While you wait for GTA 5, why not, I ask?!?!?


I've enjoyed it. One documentary on YouTube uses footage of a documentary inside DMA, which of course, is another time and place, and we won't see inside the same studio today... under the Housers and their vial of secrecy

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