New GTA V Trailers Coming 30th April!

By Chris | 25th Apr 2013 at 12:51 GMT in GTA V | 3 Comments

Rockstar have just announced new Grand Theft Auto V trailers will be coming on the 30th April! Note the plural "trailers" - looks like we'll be getting three individual character trailers, possibly a bit shorter than a standard trailer but collectively worth a few minutes of footage.

UPDATE: The trailers will be online at 4 P.M. BST in the UK (that's 11 A.M. EDT if you're in the US).

Blur's photo
Blur 25th April, 2013 @ 22:09 - Permalink

So my guess is GTAV site goes up on the 29th, to replace the placeholder they have now. And then followed by the three character trailers.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 25th April, 2013 @ 22:24 - Permalink

I can haz gameplay trailer?

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 26th April, 2013 @ 09:09 - Permalink

One on Newswire wagers that each trailer will be 30 seconds long, but perhaps we'll get a minute and 22 seconds, or on par with the single teasers so far. I don't think it would be TOO hard to manage. Also, as an aside, I think future advancement in videogames like Uncharted and GTA will be day and night cycles that happen while you do missions or are in different sections of a game. I noted a mission in Uncharted 2 is perpetually during a sunset, which never sets! hahaha

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