12 New GTAV Screenshots from GameInformer

By Chris | 7th May 2013 at 21:03 GMT in GTA V | 10 Comments

GameInformer has come up with the goods once again in the latest issue of their mag, with twelve beautiful new screenshots, which you can see in all their glory below.
UPDATE: Rockstar later posted these screenshots on the official website and Newswire.

gtav_1001.jpg gtav_1011.jpg gtav_1021.jpg gtav_1031.jpg gtav_1041.jpg gtav_1051.jpg gtav_1061.jpg gtav_1071.jpg gtav_1081.jpg gtav_1091.jpg gtav_1101.jpg gtav_1111.jpg

All these and more can be seen in our complete screenshot gallery.

Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 7th May, 2013 @ 22:55 - Permalink


Jezz Torrent's photo
Jezz Torrent 7th May, 2013 @ 23:11 - Permalink

No new info along with them???

Chris's photo
Chris 7th May, 2013 @ 23:21 - Permalink

No new info. Rockstar themselves have now posted these shots on the Newswire too, no additional info, just keeping fans happy I suppose :)

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 8th May, 2013 @ 01:58 - Permalink

I tuned into Newswire just over an hour from Rockstars' update, and I posted some comments there as usual, one of which was regarding the waterway basin used in movies like Terminator 2, and I believe Gone in 60 Seconds remake, Eleanor speeds off from a helicopter in that, just awesome! hahaha




Note though this was dated Feb 2007, the plan of spending 2 billion extends up to 50 years, which seems a bit unheard of in City planning, but also keep in mind, this is Los Santos in fictional reality. I thought even Rockstar might be interested in this find, since they obviously have affinity for the real place, as they do for New York and Florida (without Jack Thompson who also resides there! hahaha)

Bustago's photo
Bustago 8th May, 2013 @ 12:38 - Permalink

I tuned into Newswire just over an hour from Rockstars' update, and I posted some comments there as usual, one of which was regarding the waterway basin used in movies like Terminator 2, and I believe Gone in 60 Seconds remake, Eleanor speeds off from a helicopter in that, just awesome! hahaha




Note though this was dated Feb 2007, the plan of spending 2 billion extends up to 50 years, which seems a bit unheard of in City planning, but also keep in mind, this is Los Santos in fictional reality. I thought even Rockstar might be interested in this find, since they obviously have affinity for the real place, as they do for New York and Florida (without Jack Thompson who also resides there! hahaha)


No offence bro, but your 'middle aged guy' trying to talk to the 20 somethings thing, is getting a bit creepy.

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 9th May, 2013 @ 11:22 - Permalink

Gorgeous! oh & look @ Trevor's mask :)

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 10th May, 2013 @ 07:38 - Permalink


I tuned into Newswire just over an hour from Rockstars' update, and I posted some comments there as usual, one of which was regarding the waterway basin used in movies like Terminator 2, and I believe Gone in 60 Seconds remake, Eleanor speeds off from a helicopter in that, just awesome! hahaha




Note though this was dated Feb 2007, the plan of spending 2 billion extends up to 50 years, which seems a bit unheard of in City planning, but also keep in mind, this is Los Santos in fictional reality. I thought even Rockstar might be interested in this find, since they obviously have affinity for the real place, as they do for New York and Florida (without Jack Thompson who also resides there! hahaha)


What any of this has to do with GTA V we shall never know.



It's in the game in case you're blind as well as not too bright, which seems a given

Bustago, age doesn't matter when it's shared interest, that's always the case.... Also anyone in love with someone younger or older then themselves would also disagree with your sentiment 

Bustago's photo
Bustago 10th May, 2013 @ 10:38 - Permalink



I tuned into Newswire just over an hour from Rockstars' update, and I posted some comments there as usual, one of which was regarding the waterway basin used in movies like Terminator 2, and I believe Gone in 60 Seconds remake, Eleanor speeds off from a helicopter in that, just awesome! hahaha




Note though this was dated Feb 2007, the plan of spending 2 billion extends up to 50 years, which seems a bit unheard of in City planning, but also keep in mind, this is Los Santos in fictional reality. I thought even Rockstar might be interested in this find, since they obviously have affinity for the real place, as they do for New York and Florida (without Jack Thompson who also resides there! hahaha)


What any of this has to do with GTA V we shall never know.



It's in the game in case you're blind as well as not too bright, which seems a given

Bustago, age doesn't matter when it's shared interest, that's always the case.... Also anyone in love with someone younger or older then themselves would also disagree with your sentiment 



Case in point.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 31st May, 2013 @ 22:58 - Permalink

I'd say, if you have a problem with a gamer's age, or someone online you never met, just what the hell is your perception of old age, and SPECIFICALLY, what will you do once you're over 35?!?! My God, you'll be old then!!! hahaha


Is Bustago actually related to Tun3r?! I wonder with that above response?!?

The point is obvious to any blind man, at least, again... LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION,.....hint ...hint... hint

Trevor_Philips's photo
Trevor_Philips 3rd June, 2013 @ 16:53 - Permalink




So did anyone else see the guy in green, think GSF, and chuckle? :aweclosed:

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