GTA V Day 1 Digital Download for PSN Now Available for Pre-order

By Chris | 20th Aug 2013 at 23:02 GMT in GTA V | 0 Comments



Are you a PlayStation 3 owner in North America or Latin America? If so, good news, Rockstar have just announced that you can now pre-order the digital release version of GTA V. The game will be available to download on day 1 and you'll get the Atomic Blimp pre-order bonus just like those who have ordered the boxed disc copy. And those of you who are in Europe, don't worry, you'll be able to pre-order too, you'll just have to wait until Friday.


There are also some additional benefits to pre-ordering that Rockstar describe below.

As an added bonus, Day 1 Digital pre-orders will also receive an exclusive PS3 theme along with 75% off on any Rockstar full game title on PSN* (to help tide you over these last few weeks before GTAV hits on September 17th). You can pre-order the Day 1 Digital version by going to the New on PS3: PSN Pre-Orders section of the PlayStation Store.


"What about us Xbox 360 owners?" you cry. Well, Rockstar explain why you can't have nice things, and you can blame Microsoft:

the Xbox 360 Games on Demand service does not offer the ability to pre-order games or make them available on launch day. That being said, we will be making GTAV available via Games on Demand as soon as it's technically feasible and permitted by Microsoft.

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