GTAV Official Website Updated - New Info, Screenshots

By Chris | 23rd Aug 2013 at 16:35 GMT in GTA V | 3 Comments

Rockstar have updated the official GTAV website today with more parts to the travelogue.



Exclusive Country Clubs
A lush golf course in the desert? Is it a mirage? No, it's a byproduct of sensible water usage so that the well-heeled can hit the links at the exclusive Los Santos Country Club. Come rub shoulders and tee off with the privileged and pompous.
Local Artisans
Visit one of our local tattoo parlors like Ink Inc or Blazing Tattoo and let one of the talented and highly-trained artists help you make a decision that will last forever.
Serenity & Wellness
Whether it’s the Downward Dog pose or the more advanced Dropping Fire Log, there are many fulfilling and compromising positions you can contort yourself into with the help of an expert like Master Private Yoga Instructor, Fabien LaRouche.

In addition, a couple of new artworks were added, one feature the 'Cut Here' pose of Trevor, the other being the official GTA Online art. And finally, there are 8 new screenshots. Check them out below.

gtav-861-1280.jpg gtav-862-1280.jpg gtav-863-1280.jpg gtav-864-1280.jpg gtav-865-1280.jpg gtav-866-1280.jpg gtav-867-1280.jpg gtav-868-1280.jpg
v_trevor_cutthroat_th.jpg gtaonline_art_th.jpg

See all of these and more on our screenshots and artwork pages.

Mike356's photo
Mike356 23rd August, 2013 @ 16:39 - Permalink

gotta love them yoga-poses.

NSanityHD's photo
NSanityHD 23rd August, 2013 @ 19:25 - Permalink

Good god...governor leadership...uh oh, feel sorry for the poor state of San Andreas already! :P

Blur's photo
Blur 23rd August, 2013 @ 21:38 - Permalink

Brother Adam:

Welsh monk / cult leader / yoga teacher - 50, very lithe, very into exploring your personal tension through gripping massage. Needs Welsh accent.

From the Rush casting call. Brother Adam = Fabien

I can already tell this guy is going to be funny.... and I can't wait to kill him.

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