IGN: GTAV's Conflicting Points of View

By Chris | 6th Sep 2013 at 16:51 GMT in GTA V | 6 Comments

IGN's article today looks at two more single player missions. It goes without saying that this preview does include slight spoilers, so avoid this if you don't want to know about them. We can't really summarise the thing because it's basically all about the two missions and not much else, but does talk about how Rockstar are interweaving the story which comes together through the three main characters very differing viewpoints. If you're interested, head on over to IGN to check it out.

Sherman's photo
Sherman 6th September, 2013 @ 18:30 - Permalink

Damn them and the spoilers..



edit: The very first few paragraphs and the last one or two paragraphs don't contain spoilers. It's just the in between ;)

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 7th September, 2013 @ 06:01 - Permalink

I've summized that playing different leads at any point in the game you choose will feel a bit like an outtabody experience, and say, less immersive then games past.


What say you all on this point?


I'm not reading these with abandon so the mere idea of spoilers somewhat worries me, I'd prefer to read them after I start giving the game a hands on try, since it's mere days away and I have to wait for life anyway, being out of work again, would have been better to get GTA V at the beginning of the month. Our State Fair just concluded leading to back to school and the start of fall here, one tends to think, and I got to avoid trying to get around that large mass of people but I still couldn't immerse myself in other video games, I was tooling up some laptop projects instead, but hey, on top of XB360 version Assassin's Creed III, via the Goodwill store, I also picked up Crysis for PC today, ...the original! Not bad, not bad!

Trevor_Philips's photo
Trevor_Philips 7th September, 2013 @ 07:12 - Permalink

I've summized that playing different leads at any point in the game you choose will feel a bit like an outtabody experience, and say, less immersive then games past.


What say you all on this point?


I agree, actually. Trevor may be the character I play as the most because he's my favorite ATM. But right now I'm of the mind that what the system gives up in terms of player immersion, it'll make up for in variety, with certain activities and whatnot being unique to certain characters.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 9th September, 2013 @ 03:49 - Permalink

I think no matter who you opt for, jumping to Trevor as he goes about normal activity will be the most action orientated for the three, I'm guessing, Michael won't be so much of a thrill seeker, but I believe Franklin will have his hands full with the people he surrounds himself with.

We seem to take away from IGN's preview (their video firstly) that we will see old stomping ground from San Andreas realized again in the alt universe that is this Los Santos, but I don't think the gangs would be a carbon copy of SA of old, we'll have to see, we know there's proposed gang banging to some degree, biker gangs and 'hoodrats' returning.

The talk about a new police WANTED system was what I probably hoped for the most, and it was needing an overhaul. It got to be very tiresome in GTA IV when just when you think you're safe, a lone cop comes by and all the star levels are reinstated yet again, so going underground proved to be the best course of action to avoid fuzz in the air (Smokeys got their ears on)

I don't know what I'll do right off the bat other then try different modes of getting around, I want to see the water and ocean early on, the full regions as they're all available, and try and get to fly something ASAP in the game.

Trevor_Philips's photo
Trevor_Philips 9th September, 2013 @ 05:08 - Permalink

I'm either going to try out the SCUBA diving or, if it's not accessible right away, explore Blaine County, which may end up being my favorite area (as Bone County is in GTA: SA).


I don't think the gangs would be a carbon copy of SA of old, we'll have to see, we know there's proposed gang banging to some degree, biker gangs and 'hoodrats' returning.


The Ballas are returning and there was mention of "the Families" (presumably GSF). They were mentioned by the DJ in the first few seconds of the Radio Los Santos preview on the game's website.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 13th September, 2013 @ 08:52 - Permalink

Be that as it may, there's absolutely no need to revisit exact characters and stereotypes already done in GTA, the idea is reinventing the area, but the references that remain the same are paying respect to Rockstar's own creations, keeping them around and familiar in YOUR mind presents a line or lineage that creates a lasting familiar legacy once the franchise has built up for even more years, some people actually thought Rockstar would conclude GTA with these latest evolutions, and that's pretty laughable! haha

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