New GTAV Artwork by Patrick Brown: Launch Piece

By Chris | 10th Sep 2013 at 19:21 GMT in GTA V | 1 Comment

Just a week to go until we finally get our hands on GTAV. Serial great-GTA-artwork-producer Patrick Brown has celebrated by drawing this brilliant picture simply entitled "Launch Piece":



Grand Theft Auto V is only 6 days away! I wanted to do something for the launch of the game and this is what I've come up with. I really wanted to do something that uses all three protagonists in one scene, so here we have a bit of a gang shootout that takes part in a robbery, you can see the armored truck in the distance.
I really can't wait for GTA V, it's so close but the days are going so slow, it's going to be amazing. You can expect many more GTA V artworks to come, I am planning on doing a GTA V Online piece of fan art too.

Greatest Game Series of the Decade
GTA fans: GameSpot are holding a Greatest Games Series of the Decade competition, and Grand Theft Auto is currently losing out to Elder Scrolls. Head on over to GameSpot and vote for GTA!

Sherman's photo
Sherman 11th September, 2013 @ 01:02 - Permalink

Good work as always :)

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