Grand Theft Auto Online Update

By Chris | 26th Oct 2013 at 03:35 GMT in GTA V | 4 Comments


In case you missed it, Rockstar have posted a quick update on the state of GTA Online, including the GTA$ Stimulus Package that was promised. Read below for details on upcoming features and additions.

We know many of you are anxiously waiting for us to show you the GTA$ Stimulus Package money we announced a couple weeks back. As mentioned in that post, we of course want to ensure that game progress loss issues are sufficiently sorted before distributing the GTA$ to everyone. We have a few more tweaks and fixes to make in a new title update that will hit sometime next week and then we will distribute the cash.
Coming in early November will be the first add-on content update, the Beach Bum Pack which will bring all-new beach themed vehicles and new weaponry that you’ll be able to use in both GTA Online and Story Mode. Plus new customization options for your GTA Online character including new tats, hairstyles and more. We’ll also be adding lots of brand new action-packed Jobs to play with Gang Attacks, Survivals, Last Team Standings, Parachutes, Deathmatches and Races that will have you bloodying up the waters and coastlines of the finest beach resorts across Los Santos and Blaine County.
We are also working to bring you the debut of the first part of the GTA Online Content Creator this fall – giving players the ability to craft, publish, rate and play custom-made Deathmatch and Race Jobs. We’ll be keeping our eye open for exceptional ones that we’ll be stamping as ‘Rockstar Verified’ and will be featuring them here at the Newswire and as part of forthcoming GTA Online Social Club Events. Both the Content Creator and the Beach Bum Pack are free.
Starting in November will be the first Grand Theft Auto Online Social Club Event weekends which will bring special rewards and bonuses ranging from limited-edition in-game Event Crate Drops to in-game discount specials and even a special new GTA Online live-stream show hosted by Rockstar at the Social Club Events page and Rockstar Games Twitch page – plus prize pack giveaways of hard to find GTAV gear and more.
Stay tuned as we hope to have more information with more details and specific timings on these content updates as well as on GTA Online Heists and the new GTA Online Capture the Flag mode to share with you next week. We will also have initial details on more additional content coming for both Story Mode and GTA Online in the next few weeks.

Sherman's photo
Sherman 26th October, 2013 @ 15:58 - Permalink

Awesome. Glad to see they're keeping their word with the content. CTF is always a good time. 

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 26th October, 2013 @ 18:38 - Permalink

Well, I'm thinking since I was getting GTA V for PSN free online, I'm going to miss those nice extras that I paid for with the Xbox360 Collectors Edition, not all of them are for online use, but I'm sure hopeful I can spend quality time with each consoles's online! My PS3 version of the game will be a standard edition, in some respects this will be an interesting comparison but much of the game should be the same, really.


I'm thinking in terms of the Beach Bum DLC pack, something like underwater swimming check point races in the new game would be good to have, where you either had to come up for air or use scuba gear to race. Another thing I'd still like to see is online real person poker in the GTA games, it's a lot of fun in RDR I think, and Liar's Dice ain't bad either, the more people who take part, the more fun it usually is in my opinion, but even though it's been done with RDR, it could still integrate in different settings and places in modern GTA modes

Trevor_Philips's photo
Trevor_Philips 27th October, 2013 @ 11:49 - Permalink

I'm wondering what the new weapons will be. Hopefully not anything too wacky like Saints Row does, though. Would love a Remington ACR.



BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 28th October, 2013 @ 02:04 - Permalink

I thought for basic GTA we have a good selection right off the bat, but to add things like the Explosive Rifle found in RDR added DLC, that might be pushing the reality boundaries. I was a bit surprised the Blunderbuss was an actual weapon with some real history, but it is, I think Rockstar's take on using Zombie body parts fits the DLC Undead Nightmare like a charm though, real or not

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