GTA Online Update: Deathmatch & Race Creators Beta, Capture Mode

By Chris | 9th Dec 2013 at 19:14 GMT in GTA V | 12 Comments

GTA Online has another free update on the way, perhaps as soon as tomorrow according to Rockstar. The two major additions arriving in this upcoming title update are a beta version of the content creator which will allow us to make our own deathmatches and races, as well as a new Capture game mode, Rockstar's own take on the popular 'Capture the Flag' game mode seen in most FPS games.
Judging by comments on the Newswire and social media, the only thing anyone cares about any more are heists. If you're one of those people, then unfortunately for you Rockstar didn't really say much about them, other than the fact they're still in development and we'll hear more about them in the new year. One other thing that was mentioned is "major additions" to the single player story mode, so that should please those of you who perhaps haven't really got into GTA Online, but did enjoy the story. Again that's something that will be coming in 2014, presumably after online heists are released.
Here's an excerpt from the Newswire explaining these new additions:

Deathmatch & Race Creators Beta
This week, we will give you the first chance to build your own content in GTA Online (and play content others have made) with the release of the Deathmatch & Race Creators Beta. With access to some of the same tools as our own game design and development team, you can craft your own custom blood-soaked gunfights, high-octane street races, screaming jet dogfights and more. You’ll also be able to publish your original Deathmatches and Races via the Rockstar Games Social Club for the whole community to discover, download, play, rate and share. Players can create and customize Jobs for the following modes:

  • Deathmatch 
  • Team Deathmatch
  • Race
  • GTA Race
  • Rally Race

Lift the goods from your rivals, then make a clean break for your home base in the all new free Capture mode and Jobs update coming this month to GTA Online.

We’re planning on regularly reviewing some of the best community-created content to recognize and distinguish them as Rockstar Verified Jobs, shared out to the entire GTA Online community. The Deathmatch and Race Creators will come to you via a free update, and you’ll need to have a Social Club account that is linked to your Xbox Live Gamertag or PlayStation Network ID to use them. The Creators are in Beta so please help us iron out any flaws and bugs via the GTA Online email address.
We expect the Creators Beta to become available as soon as tomorrow, December 10th. Look for an official release announcement here at the Newswire. 


The hunter and the hunted – the entire open world is your battleground as you war against enemy teams for coveted contraband in Capture mode.

Also in December, we will introduce possibly our favorite competitive team mode, Capture. A proper GTA twist on classic capture the flag, Capture mode brings territory infiltration and a new form of team-versus-team treachery into GTA Online. Up to four squads battle to steal contraband, trucks, buses or whatever from opponents' bases using high-speed vehicles, explosive weaponry and cunning teamwork. Craft, cooperation and team tactics are key. The free Capture update will bring a host of new jobs to GTA Online, accessible via the open world and also directly through your phone.  Capture is broken down into four variations - ‘Raid’, ‘Contend’, ‘Hold’ and ‘GTA’ – we will give you full details on each of these next week.

Coming in 2014
Expect big things in both Grand Theft Auto Online and Grand Theft Auto V next year including:
GTA Online Heists. We know many of you in the GTA Online community are super excited for the debut of co-operative Heists. Heists are currently in development and we are working very hard to get them as polished and as fun as they can be. Stay tuned for much more detail in the New Year.
GTAV Story Mode Updates. For those ready to jump back into the story of Grand Theft Auto V, we have big plans for substantial additions in 2014 continuing Michael, Franklin and Trevor's action, mayhem and unexpected adventures in Southern San Andreas.
Sherman's photo
Sherman 10th December, 2013 @ 00:38 - Permalink

I'm glad the two creative betas are coming.. I'm really looking forward to them. Although I do wish there was a "no collision" option for races.. make things more level on the playing field. I'm really excited to create new races, but what fun is it going to be if the racing is still a disaster?

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 10th December, 2013 @ 12:47 - Permalink

Well, it just seemed to me, they corrected the glitch of falling into the water without drowning, but sinking to the bottom like a rock! Happened tonight before the update, I was kicked from a session and had to reboot from single player... AGAIN, and the update for the Beach Bum additions again loaded, at least appearance and cues on screen, there's no real difference you'll notice, but comment here if you saw different. I saw a multitude of people leave my session after I rejoined, I can only assume they had to allow the software update in the same disturbing manner, disrupting us in the heat of online gameplay!!

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 15th December, 2013 @ 14:54 - Permalink

Still seems people are getting kicked from sessions in droves, happened the other night, or evening, a whole host of online peeps all left within seconds, I can't see this as actually user planned mass exodus.


Also, will anyone here be trying their hand with the creative beta additions? I had hoped to as well, being a Forum leader, I feel I should get used to as many GTA attributes as possible, but there are many, and more then I would normally be doing, I wonder, how do you guys approach it? Like Tennis online with other players? I believe you CAN do that like single player, but even though I had no driving ambition to play poker when RDR came out, I enjoyed it a lot, so there is that Never Can Tell factor you just don't know before hand. Deathmatches and Last Team Standing all feel they haven't changed much, other players can still dominate those sessions. 


The problem with GTAO right now is major cash for some players, sharing it with others, which I actually think is a nice idea, but there's a boat load of disparity among users now. The playing field is ANYTHING but level.

This can be a detriment I'd say, but controlling session criteria would help, ultimately I like just gambling with whomever's in a session, though you can easily swap from one to the next.


It'd be interesting who's races constructed by the kit in GTAO become endorsed by Rockstar and promoted on their site

Sherman's photo
Sherman 15th December, 2013 @ 23:21 - Permalink
Also, will anyone here be trying their hand with the creative beta additions?


Yeah, I made one race so far.. I really want to make at least one R* verified race, especially since I'm not much for death match. Just gotta get creative!

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 16th December, 2013 @ 21:33 - Permalink

Agreed, DMs happen no matter if they're orchestrated or not. I was double teamed by some guys seemingly after my bounty, they just kept at it, that's the problem, I was at the mercy of a bad chosen location to get even with two guys and their custom vehicle so I had to bug out of the session. I mean, two versus one already presents unfair advantage! haha


Somewhat OT, I was at Target stores shopping for food, but browsing electronics as usual, they've marked off some newer USD titles down to , ten bucks off. However, they've marked GTA V down even further, I think it's USD IIRC, however, the game obviously has additions planned. Other titles remain somewhat static from their companies, a few offer DLC, but by and large, not typical of console titles.

mtrevors's photo
mtrevors 13th March, 2014 @ 22:59 - Permalink

Can anyone tell me how to create a challenge race or crew challenge race?  I have the creator down with 3 races posted on ps3 online, but I can't figure out how to create the challenge race for big $.  Any help is appreciated.  RS support on this is hopeless marketing slick with no instructions.  Help!

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 18th March, 2014 @ 13:11 - Permalink

Seems Rockstar's neglecting RDR Online multiplayer from what I'd been reading, sounds like a cesspool of cheaters taking over, and trouble even getting into sessions. HELL in MP basically, I hope this is not something still effecting the games.


Haven't used game editing, or even been on my consoles in over a month, but I would email Rockstar via their support address, don't use Mouthoff, and have some faith, they should still help all users when they get to your query

Trevor_Philips's photo
Trevor_Philips 18th March, 2014 @ 18:53 - Permalink

Seems Rockstar's neglecting RDR Online multiplayer from what I'd been reading, sounds like a cesspool of cheaters taking over, and trouble even getting into sessions. HELL in MP basically, I hope this is not something still effecting the games.


You're behind the times. They stopped patching RDR a LONG time ago.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 22nd March, 2014 @ 01:38 - Permalink

I've been off RDR MP mostly due to getting all the way level upped, and many friends in Online left it appears. It was fun seeing them all the time, day after day, joining familiar posses, as it stands, and some of the fun we had showed up on YouTube. Anyway, I still plan to go back, regardless of how bad or boring it might be deemed, after all, if you want true MP poker, only recourse is still Red Dead Red

Trevor_Philips's photo
Trevor_Philips 23rd March, 2014 @ 14:54 - Permalink

I've been off RDR MP mostly due to getting all the way level upped, and many friends in Online left it appears. It was fun seeing them all the time, day after day, joining familiar posses, as it stands, and some of the fun we had showed up on YouTube. Anyway, I still plan to go back, regardless of how bad or boring it might be deemed, after all, if you want true MP poker, only recourse is still Red Dead Red


No, certainly, if you enjoy it, then by all means keep playing. After all, that's what games and movies are for, to enjoy over and over again. I'm just saying, the developers stopped supporting it long time ago, when your initial post gave the impression you were expecting them to patch it again.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 26th March, 2014 @ 15:32 - Permalink

Red Dead Red is a tour de force in gaming, no one has made a better Western, and still, even at this late date, despite SLOW progress from Rockstar, no other games have the same anticipatory level. I think this is safe to say anywhere in the World.


You suggest Rockstar will stop support for online gaming of any past title, This is new ground for them, keep this in mind, it's fact. Even adding MP elements to Uncharted from respected Naughty Dog hit snags, and again, new ground, how can you pull off untried concepts effectively?


The other factor in these matters is seeing how history shows the down side, namely APB from former GTA creator David Jones. I really hope there's still some hope left in regard to salvation for the formats and PC gaming as well.


I think with attention spans being ever shorter, and people forgetting the time it took to get this far, they expect things working out of the box, due to any delay that might have happened, or perceived, but I just think quality development time is that much longer, and may continue to be for the rest of the duration, since the quality demands will keep going up with spec

Trevor_Philips's photo
Trevor_Philips 27th March, 2014 @ 01:16 - Permalink

I'm not suggesting they're going to pull the plug on RDR MP and you very well know that, I'm just saying they're no longer patching the game.


Why do you constantly read between the lines of everything I say? If we were talking about apples, you'd run off about oranges, potatos, and cherries.

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