What's in Store For GTA Online, Plus 79 New Screenshots in 1080p

By Chris | 7th Nov 2014 at 00:31 GMT in GTA V | 1 Comment

IGN have finished up their previews of new-gen GTAV for PS4 and Xbox One with an article about how GTA Online is changing. But first, in case you missed it yesterday, IGN showed a video comparing the PS3 and PS4 versions of the game. The accompanying article goes into detail about how great the "whole new experience" is, it's worth a read if you're looking forward to upgrading.
Today's article however, focuses on the GTA Online portion of the game, with the main change being the increase to allow 30-player maps. They are madness.

"30-player activities – whether played in first-person or third – add an incalculable amount of mayhem to the game that’s already the current heavyweight championship belt holder for most manic multiplayer game out there. You may want to start a recruiting drive to build out your Crew sooner rather than later."

To top it all off, Rockstar have uploaded 79 brand new screenshots, all in 1080p, showing off the new-gen GTA V. There's far too many to include in this news update, so we'll just direct you over to our dedicated PS4 / Xbox One GTA V screenshots page where you'll find all of them, there's a small taster below. Many of you are waiting for the PC version, according to Rockstar screenshots of that will be "coming soon".


989-1920.jpg 1001-1920.jpg 1008-1920.jpg

1014-1920.jpg 1016-1920.jpg 1023-1920.jpg

1029-1920.jpg 1038-1920.jpg 1047-1920.jpg

1039-1920.jpg 1045-1920.jpg 1058-1920.jpg

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 7th November, 2014 @ 02:47 - Permalink

I'd been hit with the bad news that my bills are going up annually and my money supply is going WAY down, I might have a week to live on it seems, no money for the new machines, yet, I hoped and intended to buy both Xbox One and PS4, still, just have to wait like PC gamers have had to do, I do plan on the PC version of GTA V, but I wonder how it can compare to the new gen consoles.


I'm still of the mind that a ground up NEW CONSOLE game, or even the hope of new Red Dead Redemption series also on PC would be far more improved then using the last gen template already well known to us

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