15 Gorgeous New GTAV PC Screenshots

By Chris | 27th Feb 2015 at 18:19 GMT in GTA V | 0 Comments

After annoying everyone by delaying the PC version of GTAV once again, Rockstar are cheering us up by showing off some gorgeous new screenshots of the game to keep your appetite whet. Check these beautiful 4K shots out:

gtav02272015_1.jpg gtav02272015_2.jpg gtav02272015_3.jpg gtav02272015_4.jpg gtav02272015_5.jpg gtav02272015_6.jpg gtav02272015_7.jpg gtav02272015_8.jpg gtav02272015_9.jpg gtav02272015_10.jpg gtav02272015_11.jpg gtav02272015_12.jpg gtav02272015_13.jpg gtav02272015_14.jpg gtav02272015_15.jpg

You can see all the previously released 4K resolution shots in our GTAV PC Screenshots gallery.

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