ZModeler 2 Released with San Andreas DFF Filter

By Chris | 20th Jul 2005 at 19:20 GMT in San Andreas | 0 Comments

Yesterday Oleg the creator of Zanoza Modeler 2 released version 2.0.4 of ZModeler along with a DFF filter for San Andreas.

What's so good about this? I hear you ask. Well it means all the modelers can now get to work on making some kick-ass stuff for San Andreas, vehicles, buildings etc.

DFF filters have been out for a few weeks for other 3D modelling programs, but Zmodeler is recognised as the most popular among modders. So you'll being seeing a lot more downloads added soon.

On a sidenote remember to keep checking our downloads database for new files everyday. We even added the first map for San Andreas yesterday!


Zanoza Modeler 2 Homepage

Download Zmodeler

NOTE: On the downloads page there are also some example meshes from San Andreas which you may want to download and take a look at.

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