OPM2 Dutch info and screenshot

By Adriaan | 8th Aug 2005 at 15:55 GMT in Liberty City Stories | 0 Comments

<img src="http://thegtaplace.com/images/news/opm2dutchseptember.gif" align="left" border="1" height="213" width="150">The latest issue of the Official Playstation 2 Magazine (Dutch) has a long article with no new screenshots unfortunately. (seen below). A very long article, but no new info unfortunately. They mention that they saw the game at this year's E3 in Los Angeles inside one of the busses at the Take 2 booth, and that the PSP was connected to a Computer. They claim that the size of Liberty City is still the same as GTA3, which means that the <a href="http://www.thegtaplace.com/news.php?tid=2669"target="_blank">claims</a> from OPS2 Australia could be false about the map increase. Further on in the article they talk about the missions, with the longest mission taking just 2 and a half minutes.

As we know, Toni will be working for the Leone family, but they're saying it wouldn't be a suprise if he occasionaly helps other gangs for money. Speaking of gang members, South Side Hoods, the Yardies, and the Cartel will all be back in Liberty City. Every gang has its own territory in Liberty City Stories and owns its own vehicles and clothes. For example, as in GTA3, The Yakuza drive around in expensive cars and dress impeccably.

Again, another article claiming the release date will be between October-November. One would assume an end-of-October release as is the tradition.

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