Official: No More Hot Coffee Patch

By Chris | 9th Aug 2005 at 18:59 GMT in San Andreas | 15 Comments


Update: This patch actually causes loads of problems with various tools for San Andreas. I installed the patch to see what had been fixed and was alerted by the "gta_sa.exe has encountered an error" box, turns out all programs that somehow use the .exe no longer work, this includes the directx hook, coordinates display and even SAAC for those of you who use a joypad to play the game, probably many others no longer work but I haven't tested much else. I now have to re-install the game and suffer with numerous bugs still. Just thought I'd give everyone else who couldn't care less about the Hot Coffee a heads up on this.


Rockstar Games have released a patch updating San Andreas to version 1.01.

The patch contains many much needed bug fixes and at the same time renders Hot Coffee mod obsolete.

Let's face it it, the Hot Coffee mod was rather over-rated. It was childish and unrealistic, so unless you're a pervert then I would urge you to get this patch solely for the bug fixes. Then again if your game doesn't suffer from any bugs you don't really need to get it. If your problem is that you can't see the dry humping anymore then you need more than a patch to sort out your problems anyway.

Check out Rockstar's official No More Hot Coffee patch website for more information and links to the downloads. We've added the patch to our downloads database, There's a seperate file for North American, European/Australian and German versions.

The readme for the patch says the following bugs are fixed:

- Issue fixed on machines where the OS has been updated (one OS installed over top of another) and has 2 registry keys that point to the users "My Documents" folder (we incorrectly used to assume the Win2000 folder, now correctly uses the last installed OS folder) - users know this as "user account period bug".

- Crash when entering advanced display options with only 32 meg of video ram (32 meg of video ram is not supported and will only allow use of 640*480 in 16 and 32 bit. At this resolution it is likely you will see the "Black Roads" LOD problem). We do NOT however disallow machines with 32 meg of video ram from running GRAND THEFT AUTO: San Andreas.

- Crash when entering advanced display options on a dual monitor machine after :- starting game on primary monitor in maximum resolution, exiting, starting again in maximum resolution on secondary monitor. Secondary monitor maximum resolution had to be greater than maximum resolution of primary monitor.

- Destroyed cars now are correct colour.

- Dirty cars now able to get clean.

- Numpad 5 key is now mappable when re-defining controls.

- Issue on all machines where certain collisions caused parts of the audio system to crash (sound effects, cutscene audio - only radio keeps going) - users know this as "Rain / Thunderstorm bug".

- Improvements to DVD streaming.

- Audio problems in interior / exterior transitions and getting in / out of cars fixed.

- Some fixes to ensure reverb is not present at certain save points.

- Improvements to dance game timings.

- Crash occuring when using "user radio files" while the frame limiter is disabled.

The patch has in fact been around for a few days but Rockstar have only posted the news on their website, so not many people know about it yet.

Links: Rockstar Games, No More Hot Coffee

Thanks to Chris from GTAProjects for bringing this to my attention.

Dave1's photo
Dave1 9th August, 2005 @ 20:09 - Permalink

Will this mean gta will be coming back soon?

I want to get it for my x-box.

Chris's photo
Chris 9th August, 2005 @ 21:12 - Permalink

Yeah I think it will anyway. I would imagine all future releases will by default have this patch on them.

I'm about to install it now and hopefully those bugs are fixed :)

chris82's photo
chris82 9th August, 2005 @ 21:32 - Permalink

Yeah but this patch has its downsides too. With it, you can't use any mods that hook the exe, like the Window mod or Coordinate display or anything similer to d3d9.dll.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 10th August, 2005 @ 02:50 - Permalink

Ooo... They just practically killed alot of mods?

654321's photo
654321 10th August, 2005 @ 03:01 - Permalink

Damn. YOu can't use the window mod with it. I'm just gonna stick with my Hot Coffee and non-Hot Coffee installations.

chris82's photo
chris82 10th August, 2005 @ 03:43 - Permalink

Yes it doesn't work with anything that hooks the exe in some way, including anything that hacks memory addresses. So with it, I can't use Cowpat's Mission Select mod, the SA window mod, the Admin Console, any garage editors, or any of that. Plus I didn't notice any of the bugs in the first place. And hot coffee is extremely stupid.

Leprekon's photo
Leprekon 10th August, 2005 @ 03:56 - Permalink

Take that Jack Thompson!

888ball's photo
888ball 10th August, 2005 @ 12:03 - Permalink

O well at least it means everyone is gonna be off Rockstars back

TonyB's photo
TonyB 10th August, 2005 @ 13:39 - Permalink

they make hot coffe look like one of those self-spreading viruses

"How do I ensure that my game is "Hot Coffee" proof?"

not the best choice in words.....

the way ppl go crazy about 'hot coffee' reminds me of how ppl go totaly insane over a pop-up ad saying it will give them tons of spyware and steal their identiy.....

Dave1's photo
Dave1 10th August, 2005 @ 18:34 - Permalink

I saw on the news today a man killed 3 cops and told them gta made him do ...ugh

Gerard's photo
Gerard 10th August, 2005 @ 18:36 - Permalink

you have to voluntarily download a patch to stop you voluntarily downloading a patch...


Legal implications, they're seen doing something about it, old Thomspon's happy. Here's Jack's Story.

The judge overruled the defendant using video games as a defence, Jack's not gonna like that (he's a law man...). Death threats? They're illegal, aren't they?

stubbsy's photo
stubbsy 10th August, 2005 @ 18:59 - Permalink

don't you just need to change the offsets in the hook? that's all you do when they update cs to make you hacks work again

smallpancake's photo
smallpancake 11th August, 2005 @ 17:36 - Permalink
you have to voluntarily download a patch to stop you voluntarily downloading a patch...

I was thinking the same thing, How frolicking rediculas is it getting? Its not like its a trojan that installs it into your GTASA directory...Jesus.

654321's photo
654321 11th August, 2005 @ 18:39 - Permalink

About the window hook, is there one for Vice City?

mvi's photo
mvi 11th August, 2005 @ 19:06 - Permalink

Same as vc patch that's why all those trainers have 1.0 and 1.1, because when parts of the exe are patched the memory addresses inevitably get patched from the new variables and missing disabled variables

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