LVS progress update

By Adriaan | 12th Aug 2005 at 19:05 GMT in San Andreas | 0 Comments

For those of you that haven't heard about a mod called "LVS" (Liberty City, Vice City, San Andreas) yet, then I want to inform you about this amazing upcoming total conversion for San Andreas. The folks at GTA LVS are going to bring GTA3's Liberty City and the entire map of Vice City into the San Andreas engine. You will have the best of all the current 3D GTA's packed inside one game.

The current progress of the mod is at around 10 % and they are currently busy implementing Vice City. Most recent screenshots are shown below:


What this mod is going to hold for the future is just amazing (ooh multiplayer...) and it definitely deserves a thumbsup! thumbsupanim.gif

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