GTA3 Banned in another Japanese Prefecture

By Chris | 20th Sep 2005 at 21:52 GMT in GTA III | 9 Comments

The hit 2001 game GTA3 has been banned in Japan again, this time in the Saitama Prefecture.

It is now illegal to sell the game to anybody under the age of 18, and if retailers are caught they can be fined up to ¥300,000 Yen (,700 Dollars).

The government reckon the game is harming youths and promoting violence among them.

"I've seen the game myself and it's far too violent and obviously harmful," the governor of Saitama, Kiyoshi Ueda, told the paper. "Freedom of expression is one thing, but the wholesome upbringing of youths is also important and this was the only option."

Read the full story at Gamespot

I must clarify the game hasn't been banned throughout the entire country, but just in another small prefecture, and they are small.

Sherman's photo
Sherman 20th September, 2005 @ 22:33 - Permalink

After four years? Very odd. : /

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 20th September, 2005 @ 23:46 - Permalink

I thought the AMERICAN government was crazy. :huh:

Plo Koon's photo
Plo Koon 21st September, 2005 @ 01:14 - Permalink

this is getting very rediculas. Why would parents let young kids play a Mature game if they are so worried about violence, drugs, sexual themes in it. If they are worried about that then don't let the kids buy the game. Their is no reason to ban a game. That is just stupid. Parents should actually have a brain and not let their kids buy the game. People these days. I just can't believe some of them. This world is getting very stupid all the time. Most of the worlds governements are crazy. One little game won't put the world to a end. GTA is just like many other games like True Crims(well sort of), well what about the other shooters games what about them hmm. Well I have said all what I can say for now.

Governments SUCK :tongue:

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 21st September, 2005 @ 01:31 - Permalink

Guess what? TV shows the same stuff. Time to slap AO on it and ban it, too. Alot of movies have killing and sex, time to ban movies and slap AO on them. What about the internet? LOADED with crime and sex. Yep, time for a ban and an AO.

The point I'm getting at is, EVERYTHING has this stuff in it. If you try to shelter children from this stuff, you only make it worse. Then they WANT it. They aren't just curious anymore, they actually WANT this stuff because it's forbidden. You don't even let them taste it, so now not only do they hate you but they are going to do whatever it is you don't want them to do ANYWAYS! It's lose-lose for you.

Plo Koon's photo
Plo Koon 21st September, 2005 @ 04:12 - Permalink
Guess what? TV shows the same stuff. Time to slap AO on it and ban it, too. Alot of movies have killing and sex, time to ban movies and slap AO on them. What about the internet? LOADED with crime and sex. Yep, time for a ban and an AO.

The point I'm getting at is, EVERYTHING has this stuff in it. If you try to shelter children from this stuff, you only make it worse. Then they WANT it. They aren't just curious anymore, they actually WANT this stuff because it's forbidden. You don't even let them taste it, so now not only do they hate you but they are going to do whatever it is you don't want them to do ANYWAYS! It's lose-lose for you.

Totally agree with you spaz. They just don't learn do they. The government is making a fool out of themselves. I guess they should ban all of that sex and killing on movies, tv shows and the internet. But the government won't do that because they just hate games not movies. They think that it is "different" but to tell you the truth movies are alot worse because they are based on life. But games on the other hand are from cyber space. So games won't do anything to anyone. It is the movies that would do it because it is real "live" people doing it not fake game characters. The government should get a big huge nice slap across the face. I stick out my tongue at you government fools :tongue:

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 21st September, 2005 @ 22:13 - Permalink

I dont know, but at Planet Grand Theft Auto there is an article that says GTAIII is not banned in Japan.

Chris's photo
Chris 22nd September, 2005 @ 17:05 - Permalink

Yes it's not banned throughout Japan, just in another prefecture, which is basically a state but really small.

This is the 2nd prefecture it's been banned in.

Jared's photo
Jared 26th April, 2006 @ 10:33 - Permalink

It was banned here in Australia for awhile, then re-released edited without some violence and sexual referances. Stupid government, has a fit about every little thing. :pissedred:

YellowJacket's photo
YellowJacket 26th May, 2007 @ 13:23 - Permalink
this is getting very rediculas. Why would parents let young kids play a Mature game if they are so worried about violence, drugs, sexual themes in it. If they are worried about that then don't let the kids buy the game. Their is no reason to ban a game. That is just stupid. Parents should actually have a brain and not let their kids buy the game. People these days. I just can't believe some of them. This world is getting very stupid all the time. Most of the worlds governements are crazy. One little game won't put the world to a end. GTA is just like many other games like True Crims(well sort of), well what about the other shooters games what about them hmm. Well I have said all what I can say for now.

Governments SUCK :tongue:

It's not only the parents. Kids can find other ways to get the games. Maybe they live with someone who isn't their parent and that person is, say for example, a 20 something year old brother. He buys the game and lets the kid play it too because he doesn't give a damn about the game rating.

Kids could get an allowance or have a part time job. That wont stop them from going behind their parents' backs and buying the game without them ever knowing.

Don't necessarily blame the parents. Blame the little shits that buy the games and act like dumbasses copying what happens in the game and ruining it for the people who can play video games and remain sane.

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