Possible "Special Edition" GTA packages

By Adriaan | 23rd Sep 2005 at 08:55 GMT in General | 4 Comments

A lot of you will remember the Grand Theft Auto Double Pack which included both GTA3 and Vice City. It is likely that Rockstar will do the same and include all 3 recent games (GTA3, Vice, San Andreas) into a triple pack for a special price. Popular gaming website 1UP is now reporting that they heard from a special source that Rockstar will soon announce "Two GTA Special Editions".

The first is for Xbox owners, dubbed The Trilogy, and will include GTA3, Vice City, and San Andreas together in one pack for .99. The second is the PS2 San Andreas Special Edition which will include the new version of the game, along with a second DVD featuring the prequel movie (previously only available if you bought the soundtrack CD) and the recently announced Sunday Driver feature.

It is highly possible and we will be updating you if any official announcements come our way. Read the rest at 1UP.

We haven't had an official word from Rockstar yet so we don't know how true this is.

UPDATE: Take Two released 2 press releases confirming this. The first states that the Grand Theft Auto Trilogy (which includes GTA3, Vice and San Andreas) will be released on October 18th 2005 for the Xbox. The price is still unknown.

The 2nd states that on October 18th 2005 Rockstar will release the "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Special Edition" for Playstation 2. This edition includes the full "M" rated San Andreas, the Introduction DVD and Rockstar's debut documentary film, Sunday Driver.

Links: Xbox Trilogy and GTA SA Special Edition press releases.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 23rd September, 2005 @ 09:44 - Permalink

I want the trilogy for PS2! :angry:

Chris's photo
Chris 23rd September, 2005 @ 09:47 - Permalink

I'll email Rockstar Games when I get home from school and ask them if they are bringing out a trilogy pack.

Akuma's photo
Akuma 23rd September, 2005 @ 09:48 - Permalink

I'd get it for PS2, if I had one, but over here they probably wouldn't sell San Andreas anymore, but if they did, then it would cost 0 probably.

I REALLY want that intro.

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 23rd September, 2005 @ 14:13 - Permalink

The post has been updated.

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