gtaTournament SA 0.1c

By Adriaan | 29th Sep 2005 at 23:58 GMT in San Andreas | 1 Comment

The team over at gtaT just finished 0.1c of their multiplayer San Andreas mod. Download it from our database. The new version has many new features and doesn't crash so often. For now this and Online Andreas are the only available multiplayer mods for San Andreas, but my money was on SA-MP which unfortunately got cancelled. So now the 2 mods to look forward to is the ever so wonderful MTA SA and the extraordinary SanAnarchy which I will be testing later this week.

Download gtaT 0.1c

Plo Koon's photo
Plo Koon 30th September, 2005 @ 00:32 - Permalink

nice that is a awesome post thanks Adriaan. I will download it soon. Well when I get SA for PC. I have to buy it now at a used games store <_< because where I live they ain't sellin it no more -_-

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