Official Site Updated!

By Chris | 1st Oct 2005 at 10:56 GMT in Liberty City Stories | 9 Comments


Just had an email from Rockstar letting us know the official LCS website has been updated. There's loads more information on there now and new screenshots, downloads and audio.

And the long awaited second trailer is now online. Make sure you watch that.

There's also a page on the new multiplayer game modes we found out about earlier. Get Stretch and Liberty City Survivor are there, along with one we haven't heard about so far called Protection Racket. It seems that teams will be swapping between attacking and defending roles each round. Once the attackers have reached the defenders base, they must destroy the four limo's parked inside, after accomplishing that, the roles reverse and a new round begins.

There are 13 new screenshots on the site which I have added to our Gallery.

Two new teaser sites have also been launched, they are Bathtub Gin Still which we already knew about and Electron Zone Radio.

Some useful links:

Official website, WindowsMediaPlayer Trailer, QuickTime Trailer

*UPDATE* IGN have also put up a multiplayer preview plus new screens

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 1st October, 2005 @ 16:11 - Permalink

The site has a weird heart beating sound, is that normal?

EDIT: Nevermind, it was just the NFS Most Wanted ad in this site. I click off but there is still some beats. <_<

Chris's photo
Chris 1st October, 2005 @ 16:48 - Permalink

Lol, you only get that sound when you hover over the ad.

Back on topic, this game is gonna be awesome.

Leprekon's photo
Leprekon 1st October, 2005 @ 17:30 - Permalink

I like the age verification thing, nice touch.

The Halo PCJ kicks ass.

Chris's photo
Chris 2nd October, 2005 @ 08:45 - Permalink

That age verification thing has always been there, and to be honest it doesnt really work because all you have to do is make yourself at least 17 and you can get in.

nickc's photo
nickc 2nd October, 2005 @ 10:13 - Permalink

Yeah, the only way it would work is if R* got the birth details of everyone who went on the site and compared it to the age given. lol

888ball's photo
888ball 2nd October, 2005 @ 11:03 - Permalink

I wish Rockstar would just make an easy to navigate, user friendly site which you dont have to search through, I guess some people find that fun. I dont.

Chris's photo
Chris 2nd October, 2005 @ 11:31 - Permalink

I have 2 views on their site layouts.

First is: It's great, I love it when I'm just casually browsing the site looking at all the info.

Second: It's a pain in the ass just after they've updated, it takes ages trawling through it all and seeing what's new and then summarising the huge amounts of info they release at once.

Overall I like it and don't think they should change.

Lol this has turned into a site reviewing topic :P

888ball's photo
888ball 2nd October, 2005 @ 17:53 - Permalink
I have 2 views on their site layouts.

Second: It's a pain in the ass just after they've updated, it takes ages trawling through it all and seeing what's new and then summarising the huge amounts of info they release at once.

Lol this has turned into a site reviewing topic :P

Yep. And yes it is a pain, I wasn't sure if I had seen all the videos after the update

nickc's photo
nickc 3rd October, 2005 @ 01:30 - Permalink

They need to make it more user friendly

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