Grand Tani Islands

By Chris | 17th Oct 2005 at 15:46 GMT in San Andreas | 2 Comments

We haven't posted much about any of the total conversion mods that are in development for San Andreas at the moment. I thought I'd mention this one since the GTA scene is rather dead at the moment.

The 20 strong Dutch team behind Grand Tani Islands have released a video of what they've got in the game so far. And I must say it's quite impressive compared to some other TC's such as GTALVS which haven't got very much done yet, but these guys have.

Download the trailer from their website and tell us what you think. They are expecting the first beta version to be released some time during November.


Airashii's photo
Airashii 17th October, 2005 @ 17:01 - Permalink

Sounds great, i'll be sure to check out that trailer as soon as I cam.

Thanks for posting that.

DaddyPimp's photo
DaddyPimp 21st October, 2005 @ 16:02 - Permalink

Hey! I'm 1 of the 20 man who's working on GTI! I'm making the artwork and the Walk Of Fame.... Check out the trailer!


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