Gameboy Classic Grenades

By Switch Designs | 15th Dec 2005 at 07:30 GMT in San Andreas | 6 Comments

This Mod will change your grenades into Gameboy Classic Grenades and was requested by Irloading @


This will be the last grenade mod I make for awhile.

Here is a preview of my model and here is a picture of the Gameboy that I used to texture my model.

Go here to download the mod.

Taime's photo
Taime 15th December, 2005 @ 10:32 - Permalink

I like that style a lot, now you need to do the same with other handhelds when you decide to continue making grenades, or a charge in the style of a console, a exploding xbox that sticks to walls that could be dangerous.

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 15th December, 2005 @ 19:02 - Permalink

Is that just a gameboy texture or did you model the buttons etc. ?

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 15th December, 2005 @ 19:24 - Permalink
Is that just a gameboy texture or did you model the buttons etc. ?

You can TELL it's just a texture. And it's so small, why would you need more than a texture?

Switch Designs's photo
Switch Designs 15th December, 2005 @ 19:54 - Permalink

Yeah it's just a textured rounded box (not just a box thoe I started with a flat piece to get the curves right) but no buttons I figured it would look so small ingame that it wouldn't need to be that detailed. Buttons would not be hard to add in but they would be kinda useless and wouldn't make the model look any different in game. ^.^

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 15th December, 2005 @ 21:45 - Permalink

Of course, but here's an idea:

Grenades are apples and the detonator is an apple iPod :)

Watch It!'s photo
Watch It! 19th December, 2005 @ 07:02 - Permalink

^lol thats a pretty good idea

that mod is pretty cool :clapping:

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