Liberty City Stories Cheat Device v0.7

By Adriaan | 11th Jan 2006 at 20:47 GMT in Liberty City Stories | 1 Comment

Yet again Edison Carter released an update to his LCS Cheat Device, that changed the way how we play the number one selling PSP game. The latest update, v0.7, allows bikes to be driven on walls; a new gravity feature; the option to freeze everything; change gameplay and walking speed; flip over; unlimited heli flying height and a Cheat Maker!

Bikes can now drive on any type of surface, whether on a side of a bridge, or a building. Any direction where the tyres are pointing to becomes the direction of gravity. You can now also the change the value of the gravity to any amount you want. Great news is that this feature works in multiplayer mode, once the Cheat Device is loaded. With the freeze everything activated, vehicles that you've touched or aggressive drivers will instantly freeze.

There's also an option to change gameplay speed to a higher value if you set the CPU speed to 333MHz. Changing the walking speed allows you to walk faster on foot. There's also a new option to flip over and helicopters can now fly at unlimited flying height! The sky is not the...... a limit.

A new cheat maker is also included. Edison Carter warns that you should only use this if you know what you're doing. For more information be sure to read the release notes included in the .zip file. Click the links below to start downloading and start the LCS madness!

Cheat Device v0.7 for all firmware versions:

US/Canada version

UK/EU version 0.7:


dcboy's photo
dcboy 27th February, 2006 @ 02:21 - Permalink

I don't know if you knew about this but cheat device 0.9 is out and it hasn't been reported on yet. Just a heads-up.

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