Shopping Cart v2

By Switch Designs | 23rd Jan 2006 at 12:26 GMT in San Andreas | 3 Comments

This mod will turn your scooter in GTA San Andreas into a shopping cart. My Vice City version of this shopping cart turned out to be a very popular mod. It was shown off in PC Gamer UK two times and was in a special CD edition of Gamestar in Germany as well. The Vice City version is also available at over 36 GTA fan sites. Hopefully everyone will enjoy this version just as much seeing as no major changes have been made except now the colored parts like the grip and bumpers can now be changed with a Pay N Spray and you can add in your own colors just by using the carcol.dat file.

It still performs just like the Vice City shopping cart but this ones for San Andreas.


Download it here.

Also Happy Birthday Jessica and thanks for the idea of making the shopping cart in the first place.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 12th September, 2006 @ 15:23 - Permalink

LOL, funny i like it i've downloaded it and played for a bit and i kept falling off.

K_P's photo
K_P 12th September, 2006 @ 17:29 - Permalink

Dont post in old topics...I've told you before aswell...

Airashii's photo
Airashii 12th September, 2006 @ 17:48 - Permalink

It's still a cool looking mod though, do all scooters change into shopping carts or is it just that one outside of the Supersave store.

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