New Music Info?

By Chris | 16th Apr 2004 at 12:25 GMT in San Andreas | 12 Comments

I found this article on

It says about a site that has some info on what kind of music we can expect to see and maybe about and online multiplayer mode.

I'm not sure how reliable the source is but here's what it says:

By: Derek dela Fuente

GTA: San Andreas Info

Want to know what music you’ll be listening to and the possibility of online play you say…

New information on GTA: San Andreas today came to light, giving some insights on what to expect from the third title in the GTA3 trilogy.

Realising that the series needs further innovation, RockStar north are currently implementing a wide range of gameplay additions, including the ability to challenge fellow highway drivers to a race; however sadly RockStar North are refusing to divulge anymore information prior to E3.

Following on from the musical success in GTA: Vice City, RockStar have once again been signing up major artists, reportedly including the likes of 50 cent, Justin Timberlake and Happy Mondays to mention but a few – hinting that San Andreas will have a more modern theme then the 80’s induced Vice City.

In addition it’s claimed that San Andreas will be much larger then either Liberty City or Vice City before it, whilst we’ve heard suggestions that an online multiplayer mode will surface and provide the major selling point for the title.

We’ll hopefully have more information soon.


zimoo's photo
zimoo 16th April, 2004 @ 13:47 - Permalink

That street racing idea sounds awesome and I hope it's implementated. I don't like the sound of the music though and I hope that R* don't make the multiplayer thing too big or it could spoil the game. Anyway, good find Chris

Sherman's photo
Sherman 16th April, 2004 @ 15:34 - Permalink

Oh, hell no not Justin timberlake

I hate him, hes a fruitbasket

The Highway racing sounds good, and Online, but if it is online, it will be broadband only(most likely)

Im just wondering how many people will be in a the city at a time, i hope atleast 6

It would suck if it was 2 players.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 16th April, 2004 @ 18:52 - Permalink

I just thought of something that would be cool in the online mode. Creating your own crew and you could all do a mission at the same time, have the driver, lookout, sniper, etc. That would be cool.

zimoo's photo
zimoo 16th April, 2004 @ 20:28 - Permalink

Yeah I admit that would be cool Spaz, but I'd prefer if the mutliplayer was two people using the same PS2, rather than playing over the internet

insane_pyro28's photo
insane_pyro28 16th April, 2004 @ 20:35 - Permalink

yeah I agree with nick (although I would rather die in hell than play in split-screen mode :mellow: )

I don't have online ability so I get really jealous when games I'm really exited about (GTA:SA, THUG, NFS:UG, Ratchet & Clank 3) come out and have online play...

The only way I play online games is over my PC

Online play doesn't bother me too much anyways, the game itself without online play is always fun, I'm just waiting for GTA:SA, in fact I hope it DOESN'T have online ability :lol:

I just have a feeling that if GTA had online ability it would kinda ruin the gameplay a bit, I don't know I'm probably wrong :mellow:

zimoo's photo
zimoo 16th April, 2004 @ 21:15 - Permalink

Yeah thats exactly what I was thinking Spaz. If SA did have multiplayer then it'd be a big thing so R* would spend loads of time on it and the single player game wouldn't be as good

insane_pyro28's photo
insane_pyro28 16th April, 2004 @ 21:17 - Permalink

...uh are you sure you weren't talking about me and not spaz? :huh:

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 17th April, 2004 @ 02:34 - Permalink

if there's a online function , i would just get the online adaptor just for SA :D Anyway it's connected to your computer and it's charged under your internet charges ?

insane_pyro28's photo
insane_pyro28 17th April, 2004 @ 16:32 - Permalink

look for the last time


All you have to pay for is the adapter, playing online is free!

now you know so shut the hell up :D

zimoo's photo
zimoo 17th April, 2004 @ 19:17 - Permalink

I think he means that if you have to pay according to how long you're on the internet for then its expensive

Chris's photo
Chris 17th April, 2004 @ 20:32 - Permalink

yeah but nobody pays like that anymore, well at least hardly anybody, the vast majority of people pay monthly so it doesnt matter how long your on for

i agree with the fact that R* might concentrate on multiplayer too much and the single player gameplay wont be very good which if that happens will be a shame

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 18th April, 2004 @ 02:27 - Permalink

ok look what i meant was is the online thing charged to your internet ? So my plan is unlimited and means i do not need to pay extra $ using it ?

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