
By Switch Designs | 22nd Mar 2006 at 07:41 GMT in San Andreas | 6 Comments

This San Andreas Mod will change your Micro Uzi into the Uzi from the 2006 hit movie Ultraviolet.


Download the mod here.

Here are some more in game shots.

In game 1

In game 2

In game 3

And if you have not seen this cool movie yet I have also included some movie shots that show the Uzi in the movie and as it turns out most of these make great PSP wallpapers too.

Movie shot 1

Movie shot 2

Movie shot 3

Movie shot 4

I also made a very small video showing CJ hitting someone with the uzis blade and knocking them down before shooting them you can see the video here. 413kb wmv ^.^

Carnage_'s photo
Carnage_ 31st January, 2007 @ 17:11 - Permalink

Cool mod,dude! :thumbsup::coolthumbup::clapping:

Pandora's photo
Pandora 31st January, 2007 @ 17:55 - Permalink

You love bumping Dude :thumbsup:

How do you actually get to these old topics anyway?

Carnage_'s photo
Carnage_ 31st January, 2007 @ 18:03 - Permalink

It was on first page...

TM™'s photo
TM™ 31st January, 2007 @ 18:07 - Permalink

Yeah... It's on the first page NOW. >_> But really, answer Jace's Question.

You really can't since you actually bumped a topic from last year.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 31st January, 2007 @ 18:09 - Permalink

Everyone STFU already. Replying in the bumped topic isn't going to help any.

Carnage_'s photo
Carnage_ 31st January, 2007 @ 18:10 - Permalink

It was on first page before I bumped it.


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