Happy Anniversary

By Switch Designs | 14th Apr 2006 at 21:30 GMT in San Andreas | 7 Comments

I have been playing alot of GTA Liberty City Stories lately on my PSP and found a neat little weapon in the game that I just had to have in San Andreas. This Mod will change your Cane into a Hockey Stick, your Grenades into Hockey Pucks and your Slappers Hockey Jersey into a NHL Jersey.


Download it here.

April 14th 2006

Today is also my 8th wedding anniversary and my 10th year of being with my beautiful loving wife. We have had 2 kids and have been through a lot together and I honestly feel that I wouldn't be the man I am today without her in my life.

Oskar's photo
Oskar 15th April, 2006 @ 11:25 - Permalink
April 14th 2006

Today is also my 8th wedding anniversary and my 10th year of being with my beautiful loving wife. We have had 2 kids and have been through a lot together and I honestly feel that I wouldn't be the man I am today without her in my life.

Wonderful words!

Nie pack. I like it. I love the detail in the hockey stick.

Where's the cane?

Happy Anniversary!!!

However you spell it.

888ball's photo
888ball 15th April, 2006 @ 13:51 - Permalink

Nice mod. Congrats Switch, i really didnt realise you were that old :lol: .

Switch Designs's photo
Switch Designs 15th April, 2006 @ 18:55 - Permalink

Lmfao i'm only 26 lol thats not old !!!!

Chris's photo
Chris 15th April, 2006 @ 19:00 - Permalink

Wow so you've been with her since you were 16 and got married at 18. That's pretty young to make such a commitment. Nice going.

[inappropriate question]

So...is your wife hot?

[/inappropriate question]

Don't answer that ^^ :P

888ball's photo
888ball 15th April, 2006 @ 22:26 - Permalink
Lmfao i'm only 26 lol thats not old !!!!

But i always imagined that you were in your teens for some reason...

Switch Designs's photo
Switch Designs 16th April, 2006 @ 04:24 - Permalink
Wow so you've been with her since you were 16 and got married at 18. That's pretty young to make such a commitment. Nice going.

[inappropriate question]

So...is your wife hot?

[/inappropriate question]

Don't answer that ^^ :P

LOL I never thought of it like that I guess I was just luckey enough to find the woman That I'd spend the rest of my life with early in life.

AND YES SHE IS CRAZY HOT LMFAO... Would you expect anything less ^.^

Laxadd's photo
Laxadd 17th April, 2006 @ 03:53 - Permalink

Very nice outfit Switch Designs. I like the hockey stick and also the logo!



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