Over 50 Downloads Added!

By Chris | 3rd May 2004 at 12:28 GMT in Vice City | 7 Comments

Over the past few days I have been busy gathering downloads and getting screenshots for all of them and I have now added most of them.

So take a look round our Download Database and look at all the great new files.

In other news I added the filesize mod to pafiledb so now on each file download page it tells you the accurate size of the file.

I have also added a feedback form for the site which can be found here

You will be pleased to know I still have loads more files to add to the database so expect them during the next few days ;)

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 3rd May, 2004 @ 14:18 - Permalink

nice work ! try to get more mods , not that kind of vehicle mods.. :) I want some when i play in MTA with ToM and Joyrider :D

Chris's photo
Chris 3rd May, 2004 @ 19:57 - Permalink

what other kind of vehicle mods are there, what exactly do you want?

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 4th May, 2004 @ 09:28 - Permalink

no i mean i dont want any more vehicle mods... i want mods like kind of bridge super car mod ...

turtlespeed's photo
turtlespeed 5th May, 2004 @ 00:57 - Permalink

thanx for the convienence (s?)

Chris's photo
Chris 8th May, 2004 @ 13:59 - Permalink

no problem, I hope you all enjoy all the mods I will be adding in the future, I will try to add them as soon after I find out about them

Jaruff's photo
Jaruff 8th May, 2004 @ 17:26 - Permalink

That Mod Database is looking great, keep up the good work.

Chris's photo
Chris 9th May, 2004 @ 01:18 - Permalink

thanks, its mainly thanks to GTAGaming for letting me use a few of their mods, having said that im not allowed to use any of the screens so I have to get my own for each file so i guess alot of the work is by me, well all bar switch designs who has let me use his screens

thanks anyway

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