A couple of news stories

By Chris | 12th May 2004 at 19:16 GMT in San Andreas | 3 Comments

Just thought i'd post a couple of news stories to calm the excitement down from the screenshots, the first of which is from the magazine 'Game Informer' who have conformed they will be giving us the world exclusive preview of San Andreas

Game Informer Magazine's June issue will feature the world-exclusive, first look cover story of Rockstar Games’ Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Game Informer Magazine will unveil the first look at one of the year’s most anticipated and closely guarded gaming titles today at the 2004 E3 Expo in Los Angeles. Advance copies of the magazine are available at Game Informer’s booth, located at the entrance to the West Hall.

While there won't be an ounce of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas leaked at E3 2004, the first place in the world that you'll be able to get details is in Game Informer Magazine...

Read The Rest Of This

The second story is from Gamespot, they are saying that Rockstar have released plot details but i'm not sure how real they are.

If you can't be bothered to read it all just skip down to the bottom where I have summarized it all.

Early, this morning, Rockstar released the first plot summary of GTA: SA, which confirmed its early 1990s millieu. Here it is vertbaim:

"Five years ago Carl Johnson escaped from the pressures of life in Los Santos, San Andreas...a city tearing itself apart with gang trouble, drugs and corruption. Where filmstars and millionaires do their best to avoid the dealers and gangbangers.

Now, it's the early 90s. Carl's got to go home. His mother has been murdered, his family has fallen apart and his childhood friends are all heading towards disaster.

On his return to the neighborhood, a couple of corrupt cops frame him for homicide. CJ is forced on a journey that takes him across the entire state of San Andreas, to save his family and to take control of the streets."...

Read The Rest Of This

So from this I have gathered these facts:

  • The game will be set in the early 1990's
  • The main character will be called CJ a.k.a Carl Johnson
  • The game will be set in the state of San Andreas (not city as previously thought) and will revolve around several cities, one of which maybe called Los Santos

You can decide how true this all is but it's from GameSpot and they're usually pretty reliable

Vulpecula's photo
Vulpecula 12th May, 2004 @ 20:09 - Permalink
  • The game will be set in the early 1990's

Early 90s?! Aw, nuts! So much for present day...oh well...there's always GTA 4... :cigar:

zimoo's photo
zimoo 13th May, 2004 @ 15:03 - Permalink

That sounds pretty cool, I like the idea of him going on a long path for revenge

888ball's photo
888ball 13th May, 2004 @ 15:53 - Permalink

kewl, ya i think the second story is true

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