SA-MP 0.1b and MTASA Deathmatch Admin

By Chris | 30th May 2006 at 16:51 GMT in San Andreas | 5 Comments

Okay, we're a little bit behind on multiplayer news at the moment, so I'm bundling these two announcements into one post.

First and foremost the SA-MP team have released version 0.1b of their multiplayer client in the last week. It features many bug fixes from the previous version, and has a few advantages over MTA at the moment, with features such as deathmatch and custom game mode scripting already in place.

So why not Download SA-MP and try everything out for yourself?

In MTASA news, an admin system is currently in development for the deathmatch release of their client. Everything's looking rather nice over there, so head over to their blog and read all about it. I would imagine we will be able to get our hands on this in the next few weeks.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Arkim3de5's photo
Arkim3de5 30th May, 2006 @ 19:03 - Permalink

They should make Multiplayer for Second Edition.

skittles102's photo
skittles102 2nd July, 2006 @ 23:21 - Permalink

yea i want v2 multiplayer. STUPID HOT COFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<:angry::nope::pissedred::tongue: ITS NOT REALLY ROCKSTARS FALT :R*::lolbounce:

Steven's photo
Steven 5th July, 2006 @ 06:07 - Permalink

Very nice spam/bump. Check the date next time please.

Slayer's photo
Slayer 5th July, 2006 @ 09:42 - Permalink

Oh yeah, and check the grammar.

nabux's photo
nabux 13th August, 2006 @ 22:43 - Permalink

i've downloaded it, from this page, and its a f...cking virus !!!!!!

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