IGN Hands-on LCS PS2, Plus New Media

By Chris | 2nd Jun 2006 at 16:16 GMT in Liberty City Stories | 4 Comments

IGN have got their dirty little hands on the PS2 version of Liberty City Stories. They basically don't have anything negative to say about it, aside from the evident lack of multiplayer features. Which Rockstar supposedly said they removed as "it didn't fit in with the story."

IGN claim in their preview that it will take the average gamer around 15-20 hours to play straight though, just completing the main storyline and not bothering with side missions or other objectives.

One big plus for the PS2 version over the PSP is the far superior controls, thanks to the PS2 controller's extra shoulder buttons and pair of analogue sticks, the controls are just like those of the previous iterations. One other advantage is the fact you'll be playing on a bigger screen too.

Interestingly, IGN state that nothing in terms of the graphics has been improved, it is all exactly the same as the PSP version, apart from very slight enhancements to framerate, draw distance, and the number of objects on screen.

Visually, the game looks almost the same as it does on PSP. None of the vehicles, characters or environments benefit from enhanced details or graphical effects. As such, LCS on consoles can't really compete with today's higher-end games in terms of visual detail, but what it lacks in effects it tries to make up in style. Interestingly, the game does offer a slight improvement in performance. Though not immediately noticeable, the framerate is slightly smoother, the draw distance is a little longer, and the amount of onscreen has been slightly raised. You'll notice more cars and pedestrians when driving through town, for example.

As well as the preview, IGN have also posted 8 new screenshots and the official PS2 trailer. You can check all these out by clicking the links below. Hopefully Rockstar will send us some unwatermarked screens soon though.

Also I'd like to point out that the trailer still has the June 6th release date for North America, it is literally just Europe that is affected by a two-week delay. Which currently has no valid reason.

Some mis-informed fansites are saying LCS has been delayed worldwide, while others are giving incorrect release dates. So to reiterate, here are the official release dates:

North America: June 6th

Europe: June 23rd


IGN Hands on

8 New Screenshots

LCS PS2 Trailer

Slayer's photo
Slayer 2nd June, 2006 @ 21:35 - Permalink
Interestingly, IGN state that nothing in terms of the graphics has been improved, it is all exactly the same as the PSP version, apart from very slight enhancements to framerate, draw distance, and the number of objects on screen.

OMFG! I don't want to imagine how this game will look like for PS2! Same ultra-low-quality textures and models on a TV screen. I mean, it's understoodable for a PSP screen's size, but man, this has just gone too far.

Rockstar is becoming something we call Electronic Arts. And that means no good.

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 3rd June, 2006 @ 01:46 - Permalink

"It didnt fit in with the story"

Thats the worst excuse Ive ever heard, they didnt have it because they didnt know how to

chris82's photo
chris82 3rd June, 2006 @ 10:51 - Permalink

Ugh...I think the PS2 port of LCS was a bad idea all around.

I know that it will let people who didn't buy a PSP play it, but honestly, I don't think it'll sell well.

If Rockstar actually added features such as aircraft and better graphics, and keeping multiplayer support, the game might do better.

But instead, Rockstar added nothing and have wasted time porting this game, when they could have been working more on GTA4 and GTA Vice City Stories.

888ball's photo
888ball 4th June, 2006 @ 19:23 - Permalink
But instead, Rockstar added nothing and have wasted time porting this game, when they could have been working more on GTA4 and GTA Vice City Stories.

I guess they had a seperate, smaller team working on this. It wasnt exactly a hard task. Even if it dosnt sell that well, it cant have been that big of an investment.

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