Could Lazlow Return In San Andreas?

By Chris | 17th May 2004 at 18:03 GMT in San Andreas | 13 Comments

It's quite possible, Alex from GTANET emailed him and asked him whether or not he would return, in his reply, Lazlow stated this:

thanks for the email.

the answer to your question is simple.

i'll leave it at that.

So maybe he will, if the answer is simple then I take that to mean that he will return in San Andreas

Chrisman's photo
Chrisman 17th May, 2004 @ 18:33 - Permalink

i don't think he'll come back i e-mailed him too and he said he didn't know anything about him being in sa he was doing other stuff

Vulpecula's photo
Vulpecula 18th May, 2004 @ 06:59 - Permalink

I think that is great that you know his email. Well done. :yup:

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 18th May, 2004 @ 07:07 - Permalink

who's lazlow , sorry for the stupid question -.- ?

zimoo's photo
zimoo 18th May, 2004 @ 09:58 - Permalink

Hes the host of VRock and Chatterbox

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 18th May, 2004 @ 11:50 - Permalink

and they are talking about bringing him back on the radio station or in the game ?

zimoo's photo
zimoo 18th May, 2004 @ 12:44 - Permalink

Probably on the radio station

Chris's photo
Chris 18th May, 2004 @ 17:03 - Permalink

yeah since he has never been in game but hes the most famous radio DJ of the GTA world.

Smartboy how can you not know who Lazlow is?... oh yeah, i forgot you only listen to flash dont you :P

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 19th May, 2004 @ 07:23 - Permalink

that's right lol. I only know there was an person who created an account here called lazlow.. that's all i know :P

smallpancake's photo
smallpancake 19th May, 2004 @ 11:18 - Permalink

I do think he's coming back, otherwise GTA wouldn't be the same. btw, if its in the same time as GTA3, maybe he'll still be hosting chatterbox, but they just made a lot more of it. :P I could listen to chatterbox for ages...

zimoo's photo
zimoo 19th May, 2004 @ 11:33 - Permalink

I'm not sure if Lazlow will come back because there hasn't been any hints (i.e. Lazlow saying that he got kicked off the rock station in GTA3) and I thought SA was set before GTA3

Chris's photo
Chris 19th May, 2004 @ 17:53 - Permalink

thats right, SA is set before GTA3 so here is what I think..

On the end of the VROCK CD you here Lazlow getting kicked off the rock station (Lazlow talks about getting kicked off it when he is hosting Chatterbox on GTA3) So he may well be on a chat station similar to chatterbox, or maybe another rock station

his personality doesn'y really suit another type of radio

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 20th May, 2004 @ 08:46 - Permalink

i dont really care.. what's most important is the content and stuffs on the game

Corporate_Nothing's photo
Corporate_Nothing 30th May, 2004 @ 23:47 - Permalink

L A Z L O W is quite a sucessful radio host himself..

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