Fake Screen

By Chris | 5th Jun 2004 at 16:05 GMT in San Andreas | 3 Comments

I recieved this fake screen in an email a couple of days ago, it was sent to lots of gta fansites but the creator is unknown


Vulpecula's photo
Vulpecula 6th June, 2004 @ 18:29 - Permalink

the screen isn't all that good, but it's still deserves credit. B)

Lau's photo
Lau 11th March, 2007 @ 07:04 - Permalink

it locks good:p

Jared's photo
Jared 11th March, 2007 @ 07:18 - Permalink

Again, no need to bump, considering you have done this to several topics, I'll warn you this time, it's getting silly.

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