Rockstar Unscalded by Hot Coffee

By Chris | 22nd Jul 2006 at 00:16 GMT in San Andreas | 0 Comments

For those who are still interested in this matter, yesterday afternoon Take Two released a statement regarding the Federal Trade Commission inquiry into 'Hot Coffee' and the supposedly inaccurate rating of the game. Take Two and Rockstar are now in the clear, and can now relax and put this whole thing behind them. Thankfully for the company no fines or penalties were made against Take Two.

There is a Consent Order and agreement which means that Take Two must not misinterpret a game's rating or content descriptors, and must implement a system to ensure all game content is reviewed in connection with submissions to ratings authorities.

Follow the link at the end of this post to read the statement in full.

Paul Eibeler, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated, "We are extremely pleased that the FTC has concluded its very thorough investigation, and that the matter has been resolved. We recognize the importance of maintaining public confidence in the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) rating system and helping the ESRB educate parents and consumers about the rating system. We look forward to putting this behind us and focusing on what we do best - creating video games."

LINK: Take Two Statement

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