Rockstar Reveal Vice City Stories Box Art

By Chris | 24th Jul 2006 at 22:09 GMT in Vice City Stories | 15 Comments

Tonight we can present to you the official box art for Vice City Stories. We can confirm this is real as it's been sent to retailers across the world for their use on product pages, and all the commercial gaming websites now have it.


Judging by the Infernus on the cover, it looks just like either a 1978 Lamborghini Countach or 1982 Lamborghini Countach, which to me suggest a late 70's or early 80's setting.

Additionally, it appears from the box art that the bikers will be appearing once again, as well as possibly Umberto Robina, the Cuban gang leader. Expect to see many familiar faces in VCS. Stay tuned for more updates and screenshots coming soon.

chris82's photo
chris82 25th July, 2006 @ 00:59 - Permalink

Wow. That box art look really cool. I hope that it is an indication of flyable helicopters and such. Maybe it takes place in 1983, as VC was in 1986, and LCS was in 1998, three years before GTA3 in 2001.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 25th July, 2006 @ 01:11 - Permalink
Wow. That box art look really cool. I hope that it is an indication of flyable helicopters and such. Maybe it takes place in 1983, as VC was in 1986, and LCS was in 1998, three years before GTA3 in 2001.

... LCS and GTA III BOTH had helicopters on the cover. Infact, in the same spot, considering ALL the new GTAs have had a helicopter in the top left corner.

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 25th July, 2006 @ 01:47 - Permalink

Hey that girl with the sports car is Mrs. Shrub, remember Alex Shrub in vice City? Yeah, thats her!

JOYA's photo
JOYA 25th July, 2006 @ 06:47 - Permalink

Wow, this is the first time I've been excited about a game since SA! The box art is awesome.

Chris's photo
Chris 25th July, 2006 @ 12:44 - Permalink

Yeah most people seem to be much more excited about VCS than they were LCS. Just look at the poll on the site, over 63% of visitors have said they're more excited over VCS.

chris82's photo
chris82 25th July, 2006 @ 14:08 - Permalink
... LCS and GTA III BOTH had helicopters on the cover. Infact, in the same spot, considering ALL the new GTAs have had a helicopter in the top left corner.

I know. But on the GTA3 and LCS covers, they helicopters were just there. On the Vice City cover, they the windows became transperent and the helicopter was firing bullets, and it was the same in game. On San Andreas, the helicopter had a serch light, showing the new in game feature of helictopers.

Regardless, I'm sure Rockstar will include helicopters. We've all seen that the PSP can "handle it."

SoLo's photo
SoLo 25th July, 2006 @ 18:55 - Permalink

I cant wait for this game to come out, the girl by the car reminds me of the girl from scarface his wife.

Steven's photo
Steven 26th July, 2006 @ 06:25 - Permalink

Man i will play this until i beat it with out stopping. Vice city was my favorite

Dave1's photo
Dave1 26th July, 2006 @ 15:54 - Permalink

I can't wait for this to come out, and I hope it's still n the 80's, but a modern day vice could be cool to I suppose.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 26th July, 2006 @ 18:44 - Permalink
I can't wait for this to come out, and I hope it's still n the 80's, but a modern day vice could be cool to I suppose.

Dude.... Look at the cover..... It's pretty obvious.

Chris's photo
Chris 27th July, 2006 @ 00:35 - Permalink

Yeah we're definitely still in the 80's somewhere, possibly late 70's.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 27th July, 2006 @ 13:37 - Permalink

Well i believe this one will be when tommy might lose his mansion and has to get it back thats wot im wanting to see cuz this might have to continue from then.

PlayStation361's photo
PlayStation361 28th July, 2006 @ 16:07 - Permalink

The boxart looks awesome. Will this game come out for PS2?

K_P's photo
K_P 28th July, 2006 @ 19:28 - Permalink

Well i hope so, GTA LCS went to PS2 so there is a good chance that VCS will come out on ps2 too - but you might have to wait a while.

Artur's photo
Artur 30th July, 2006 @ 20:59 - Permalink
I cant wait for this game to come out, the girl by the car reminds me of the girl from scarface his wife.

Same thing for me. I can't wait for VCS to come out, it was my favourite and part of that reason was because it was in the 80s' (even if it is in the late 70s' it is still gonna be awesome).

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