Two Artworks and Digital VCS Screenshots

By Chris | 25th Aug 2006 at 17:01 GMT in Vice City Stories | 4 Comments

You may recall in yesterday's news post that CVG took down their screenshots of Vice City Stories. We've now managed to get hold of the screenshots, as well as a couple of old artworks, now in excellent quality.

None of the screens are new, but they're much nicer to look at than the poor scans people are making.

ss5.jpg ss6.jpg ss7.jpg ss8.jpg ss9.jpg ss10.jpg


Links: GTA: VCS Screenshots, Artwork

Artur's photo
Artur 25th August, 2006 @ 17:29 - Permalink

Cool, now the supposed Vortex doesn't look like anything now. Wonder who that guy in the blue suit is? Can't wait for new pics.

K_P's photo
K_P 25th August, 2006 @ 17:32 - Permalink

Nice pics Chris.

Chris's photo
Chris 25th August, 2006 @ 20:34 - Permalink

The guy in the suit is supposedly Diego Mendez, as the original filename has DIEGO in it...

Artur's photo
Artur 25th August, 2006 @ 20:36 - Permalink

Who is that again sounds really familiar and the only thing I can come up with is T-Bone Mendez.

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