GamesMaster UK and OPSM2 France Previews

By Chris | 26th Aug 2006 at 21:02 GMT in Vice City Stories | 5 Comments

Two magazines in Europe have received a preview of Vice City Stories recently. The first being GamesMaster. No new screens appear in the mag but we can surmise the following information from it:

  • The game's radio stations will contain "hundreds of top tunes"
  • "A lot of new vehicles, including all sorts of aircraft" are to be included, on the whole, a "mixture of old and new"
  • The transition from land to water to air travel will be easy
  • The vehicles in the game will be a "mixture of old and new"
  • The plot will feature both new and old characters, most of which will be new, though

Secondly, Official PlayStation 2 Magazine France have also received a preview. As my ability to read French isn't too strong, I can't clarify that the following information is 100% accurate (online translators aren't good). If you speak French fluently please let me know via PM or E-Mail if you can clarify the info.

  • As the storyline revolves around the two Vance brothers, humourous situations are said to be plentiful
  • The magazine saw fairly empty streets but Rockstar promised that they will be twice as full with pedestrians and vehicles when the game ships.
  • Rockstar supposedly has a big surprise planned for the WiFi Multiplayer mode. There's no hint of what this might be though.

Thanks to Ultimate Taz for his scans of Games Master, and Genius for the OPS2M France info.

K_P's photo
K_P 26th August, 2006 @ 21:15 - Permalink

I like the sound of 'Hundreds of new tunes' this games gonna rock, thanks for the info Chris.

Artur's photo
Artur 26th August, 2006 @ 22:36 - Permalink

Yeah, music was a big reason why I liked Vice City so much and hearing this info makes me even more excited. Thanks Chris.

adzpsp's photo
adzpsp 27th August, 2006 @ 10:05 - Permalink

Heard about it early yesterday morning! Hours before this site :P

Chris's photo
Chris 27th August, 2006 @ 12:52 - Permalink

Unlike some other fansite webmasters, I have places to go, people to see.

Besides we got other news hours before anyone else last week. It's pretty much whoevers online at the time.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 27th August, 2006 @ 17:54 - Permalink

Everyone updates within 2-3 hours of eachother. I know. I watch multiple GTA sites. I like to make sure everyone is updating roughly around the same time. If they aren't, I help them out.

Amazing news. I love it. WiFi surprise? Badass! I love Wifi! I love surprises! Win-win!

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