BadBoys modding team

By Chris | 8th Jul 2004 at 20:06 GMT in Vice City | 2 Comments

A new and upcoming Modding Team called "BadBoys" have confirmed that their first mod (expected to be released October 2004) will be a Total Conversion mod for Vice City, It will contain new weapons, veichles and much more. Details will be brought to you when released as there upcoming website is still in Production.

Two mods from MushMush who is one of the team members will be added to our database soon.

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 9th July, 2004 @ 08:28 - Permalink

ahh october , we'll be starting to play SA !

Righty's photo
Righty 9th July, 2004 @ 18:45 - Permalink

Maybe it will be like vice city was with me. I stopped playing it after a few weeks becuase it wasn't much fun. Or, maybe some people have vice city fo the computer and won't have enough money to buy san andreas yet.

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