Looking for new Staff

By Chris | 18th Jul 2004 at 14:56 GMT in General | 1 Comment

The GTA Place has been running now since the 29th of November 2002, so thats over 1 and half years and it's been mostly me by myself, Dennis has helped with certain things but we need some more permanent staff who will be active.

The positions we need filled are the following:

1 News Poster - To post any news that happens

1 Download Manager - Someone who can search other sites and get mods, vehicles etc. (with their permission) to be hosted on this site

1 Content Helper - Someone to help me add the 'missing' content for GTA Classics, GTA3 and Vice City.

We may be able to also have 1 free lance staff who can do a bit of all three of these jobs.

If you are interested in this oppurtunity please send an email to me, chris [AT] thegtaplace [DOT] com saying why you think you should get the job, If you are going for a certain position e.g News Poster then it would help if you wrote in fluent, accurate, coherent English which is easy to read and doesn't sound child-like.

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 19th July, 2004 @ 10:38 - Permalink

Can i be the download manager :thumbsup: None other suits me lol

Oh and i know i won't stand a good chance here .

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