VCS Synopsis

By Chris | 1st Sep 2006 at 21:56 GMT in Vice City Stories | 4 Comments

UK retailer have updated their product listing for Vice City Stories with a new synopsis, a brief outline of the story leading up to the game's beginning.

Vice City, 1984. Opportunity abounds in a city emerging from the swamps, its growth fueled by the violent power struggle in a lucrative drugs trade. Construction is everywhere as a shining metropolis rises from foundations of crime and betrayal.

As a soldier, Vic Vance has always protected his dysfunctional family, his country, himself. One bad decision later and that job is about to get much harder. Kicked out onto the streets of a city torn between glamour and gluttony, Vic is faced with a stark choice - build an empire or be crushed.

In addition to this piece of news, Gamespot made a hugely embarrasing mistake by changing the release date of Vice City Stories to 2007. This was just on the US version of their site, but it still caused a lot of confusion. Rockstar would never push back a release date by an entire year, the thought of that is just absurd.

Of course the release date is still October 2006, there is no reason to worry about this changing. If it does then a week of two at the most, not a whole year.

The reason this came about was due to a statement in a press release by Take2 yesterday.

The Company's fourth quarter results will also be impacted by these factors, as well as the movement of a Rockstar PSP title based on a premier brand out of the fourth quarter.

As Vice City Stories is talked about previously in the statement, it is obvious that here they are talking a completely different title.

Thanks to Neil for the synopsis info

K_P's photo
K_P 1st September, 2006 @ 22:00 - Permalink

Different title, does this mean another R* psp wonder game?

Airashii's photo
Airashii 1st September, 2006 @ 22:10 - Permalink

Yeah, quite an error there. heh

Well, confirmed the general background to the game, little brief though.

Artur's photo
Artur 2nd September, 2006 @ 06:23 - Permalink

Yeah the synopsis didn't really give us anything we didn't know, but thanks for the info Chris. Gamespot must of been a tiny bit emabarassed. :rolleyes:

Bear's photo
Bear 3rd September, 2006 @ 13:12 - Permalink

Thanks Chris, they probably are a bit embarassed. What I dont get is how Viktor Vance goes froma legit soldier to a drug dealer.

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