IGN Interview Gordon Hall

By Chris | 9th Sep 2006 at 10:24 GMT in Vice City Stories | 5 Comments

IGN have recently interviewed Rockstar Leeds president Gordon Hall. The interview brings up a few more details we didn't know about, and IGN have also included 6 new screenshots.

  • Graphical improvements over Liberty City Stories include higher poly-count models such as buildings, animated textures and more...
  • A new system has been introduced for drawing objects in the distance.
  • Jet ski racing will feature in both single and multiplayer modes.
  • More than 100 songs will be featuring on the soundtrack
  • The targeting system has been improved, especially when you're unarmed, "you can now perform grappling moves and throws, you can get on top of an opponent on the ground for ground domination, and more."

Links: IGN Interview, New Screens

K_P's photo
K_P 9th September, 2006 @ 10:37 - Permalink

Lol, new grappling moves...thats cool...maybe similar to The Warriors? I also like the sound of Jetski racing! Thanks for the info...!

Dmac's photo
Dmac 9th September, 2006 @ 10:48 - Permalink

Sounds cool huh? I posted about this a little while ago.

Airashii's photo
Airashii 9th September, 2006 @ 10:51 - Permalink

The Warriors had a great grappling system, as the The Godfather I thought.

It's likely that they'll use the one from The Warriors though.

Thanks for posting that Chris.

Meltdown's photo
Meltdown 9th September, 2006 @ 18:35 - Permalink

Wow, I can already tell this will be a great game.

Good job Chris!

Artur's photo
Artur 9th September, 2006 @ 19:35 - Permalink

The other day I was just thinking of grappling moves and now I'm glad to hear that they're going to be in VCS. Jet ski racing sounds pretty cool too. Thanks for the info Chris!

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