4 New Videos and 2 New Screenshots

By Chris | 21st Sep 2006 at 13:31 GMT in Vice City Stories | 6 Comments

Looks like R* are giving out screenshots and videos willy-nilly now, and good on them for doing that, we seem to be seeing a lot of Vice City Stories lately.

GameTrailers were first with their video showing off some of the insane stunts you will be performing in the game, the video is about 30 seconds long.

Link: Insane stunts video

IGN were next with two new videos. The first is called Running From the Law and shows Vic doing exactly what the title suggests, the other is called Jet Skis Can Fly!, and likewise, has a self explanitory title and shows jet skis jumping Leaf Links golf course. They were also kind enough to release a new screenshot (see below).

Link: IGN videos


GameVideos followed suit and posted a video mainly focusing on the addition of helicopters to the game. The video is also around 30 seconds long.

Link: Helicopters video

Finally, 1UP have posted a new screenshot showing Vic donning a USMC shirt.


Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 22nd September, 2006 @ 02:43 - Permalink
Looks like R* are giving out screenshots and videos willy-nilly now, and good on them for doing that, we seem to be seeing a lot of Vice City Stories lately.

GameTrailers were first with their video showing off some of the insane stunts you will be performing in the game, the video is about 30 seconds long.

Link: Insane stunts video

IGN were next with two new videos. The first is called Running From the Law and shows Vic doing exactly what the title suggests, the other is called Jet Skis Can Fly!, and likewise, has a self explanitory title and shows jet skis jumping Leaf Links golf course. They were also kind enough to release a new screenshot (see below).

Link: IGN videos


GameVideos followed suit and posted a video mainly focusing on the addition of helicopters to the game. The video is also around 30 seconds long.

Link: Helicopters video

Finally, 1UP have posted a new screenshot showing Vic donning a USMC shirt.


[sarcasm=mild with a side of exaggeration] GOSH I put a topic up about that a day ahead of you and I don’t get a "nice find" not even a pat on the back, where as someone post a new screen and you're like "Great find, you get a gold star"...I'm hurt...really hurt :'( [/sarcasm]

haxxor's photo
haxxor 22nd September, 2006 @ 11:32 - Permalink

i had the ign videos posted right when they came out^^, id postr a link but their still near the top in the forum, under "media bloweout" and i'm tired and i have to go to a place of education (stupid school)

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 22nd September, 2006 @ 13:22 - Permalink
i had the ign videos posted right when they came out^^, id postr a link but their still near the top in the forum, under "media bloweout" and i'm tired and i have to go to a place of education (stupid school)

lol thats where I am right now :bleh:

Chris's photo
Chris 22nd September, 2006 @ 17:28 - Permalink

LOL. People are only given credit for things they find in non-popular magazines or websites. I'm an IGN Insider anyway so it's not like I didn't know, I just didn't have time to make a post.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 23rd September, 2006 @ 00:56 - Permalink
LOL. People are only given credit for things they find in non-popular magazines or websites. I'm an IGN Insider anyway so it's not like I didn't know, I just didn't have time to make a post.

So...I'd still like to feel special a little bit... :'(

Artur's photo
Artur 23rd September, 2006 @ 20:38 - Permalink

Lol, it's ok maybe another day will come when you find something no one else has and people will tell you: nice find. But today is not that day. :P Nice videos though.

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