GTASA Trailer...

By Chris | 16th Aug 2004 at 11:38 GMT in San Andreas | 10 Comments

Thanks to Neil for notifying me of this. It seems later this week the first official trailer for San Andreas will be released according to

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is due for release on October 22nd. Check out the official trailer later this week, with more first-hand impressions and chats with Rockstar in the coming weeks.

So there you go, only a few days to wait until we get our first real glimpse of San Andreas in action :thumbsup:

Precision's photo
Precision 16th August, 2004 @ 11:41 - Permalink

I hope you post that trailer soon, it'll probably be great.

Chris's photo
Chris 16th August, 2004 @ 11:46 - Permalink

yeah as soon as we get info from Rockstar or some other source (i doubt it would come from anyone else though) we will post a link to it.

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 16th August, 2004 @ 12:45 - Permalink

Just send a mail to r* now to ask if the trailer is gonna be out, easy :P

Airashii's photo
Airashii 16th August, 2004 @ 16:04 - Permalink

wow,i can't wait for this trailer,i'm sure it'll be ace

Cyber Lunetic's photo
Cyber Lunetic 19th August, 2004 @ 00:12 - Permalink

Well trailer must be great.But it won't be FANTASTIC because there is a lot to work on San Andreas.But I'm sure that it will be fun to look at the first trailer. :yup:

Vulpecula's photo
Vulpecula 19th August, 2004 @ 11:11 - Permalink
Well trailer must be great.But it won't be FANTASTIC because there is a lot to work on San Andreas.But I'm sure that it will be fun to look at the first trailer. :yup:

Have you gone complete and utter BONKERS???? The game is pratically ready for going gold, R* are probably at Alpha Stage right now - which is where they just add some spit and polish!!

dj gaz's photo
dj gaz 19th August, 2004 @ 14:53 - Permalink

i probaly gonna sound dumb but who cares. When is the trailer avalible?

Cryptecks's photo
Cryptecks 20th August, 2004 @ 01:34 - Permalink

According to Rockstar, it's to be released tomorrow.

illitrate23's photo
illitrate23 20th August, 2004 @ 07:40 - Permalink

but you posted that at half past one on friday morning

so when you say tomorrow, are you still thinking of it being late at night on thursday? or is the trailer coming out on saturday?

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 20th August, 2004 @ 08:12 - Permalink

Same post :S It's released 0.0 .. Enjoy :

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