5 new screens - Fansite exclusive

By Chris | 19th Aug 2004 at 19:08 GMT in San Andreas | 2 Comments

Rockstar have sent us 5 new screens exclusive to fansites on their webring. They will be doing this each month until San Andreas is released. Theoretically only sites on the webring should have these screens. Thank you R*, i must say they look amazing.

Hey guys,

We have something very special for you this week. To show our appreciation of your continued support and hard work we have gotten you a group of 5 fansite exclusive screenshots. That's right, this is just for the fansites for the next 24 hours. We are planning to do this monthly until the release of the game so watch out for more fansite exclusives in September and October.



fansite_exclusive_0.jpg fansite_exclusive_1.jpg




dj gaz's photo
dj gaz 20th August, 2004 @ 13:09 - Permalink

cool screenshots! r* say that they will do this every month?! cant wait :thumbsup:

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 20th August, 2004 @ 13:19 - Permalink

I only seen the bike one in large screen. I don't find them attractive but why don't they do it every week :P It's only 2months away..

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